Chapter XVII

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His hand wiped against his nose, seeing the large amount of blood splatter on his hand he groaned, there were needles in his forearms and lacerations across his forehead leaving a large cut on his eye brow. His brown eyes watched the room constantly switching back and forth, from the wall to the ground, he knew where he was but he didn't want to be there. He was in the medical ward of Kapel, but he felt the blood drain from his body, watching the room around him carefully. He thought of days back when he was with Elena and Griffin, growing up in Elena's little Russian bounty hunter home.


Alexei looked up to the door way, he didn't understand who was standing in the door way, or why he knew his last name. Must be he was just one of Borya's workers and someone ratted his last name to one of the big boys.

"You need blood, you going to numb me up more?"

"Not exactly."

"Beat me to the ground, break my bones, watch me bleed for sport."

"You really think we'd kill someone who is also searching for the Fire Code?"

"Do you want me to be honest?"

"Of course."


The boy crossed his arms looking to Alexei who at the time still had the bullet wound in his shoulder. Alexei couldn't feel it at this point, they'd been beating him and injecting things into him, when he finally escaped thats when he felt pain. His chest was bruised, cuts scattered on his chest, neck and face, everything was hurt yet he showed no sign of pain.

"You're rude for a person I grew up with,"

Trying to show a point Alexei yanked on his chained down arms, of which the boy wrapped his fingers around Alexei's neck. Alexei looked up into the boys eyes for a little bit but everytime he tried to breathe the grip tightened. He tried not to cough but his neck was already bruised so even the slightest touch burned against his finger tips.

"Whats your name boy," Alexei coughed out the words feeling as the boys grip tightened to the final straw.

"Artyom," The grip loosened, Alexei felt his hands trying to go to his neck in some sort of protection, but they were nailed to the bed.

"Remember me now Alexei?"

"Yeah but you really think I'll want to remember a coward who left Zavodila?"

"Guess that was Zora's mistake."

"You speak of Pavlov that way, not surprised for a traitor." Artyom looked at Alexei in utter shock, but Alexei just layed there, with no new expression.

"You really do want to get killed,"

"Go ahead, what do I have to lose."

Artyom was surprised by his response so he decided not to grab his gun instead he walked in circles around the bed. Before pausing next to Alexei's bed, he never felt weird about prisoners but Artyom knew Alexei they grew up in Zavodila together. Before Borya broke off from the Russian group making one that eventually got bought out by the Enclosure, they formed an alliance and Borya offered Artyom a position. A position of a life time, a position he believed he deserved instead of just being a little boy in Zavodila. Artyom grew up in Russia, both his parents were born in Russia but they moved once they learned that Russia was next on the Enclosure's list, they were friends with Zora Pavlov so she gave them a home in Zavodila. But after Zora married the American and had a child people lost faith in her as the supposed savior for Russia.

Alexei remembered it all, Zavodila was a beautiful bunker with lots of room but most notable the different building of it. It was built by Russian executives to be the safest and most efficient bunker. He remembered Zora appointing his mother and father to the Russian guard, Edward and Veronica Markov. His father grew up on the west end of England while his mother had been a multigeneration Russian leader, his mother and Zora were best friends, hence forth his relations with Elena. Griffin was his twin brother, but when Zavodila was destroyed they promised to keep it's hope even if they'd lose everything. They'd already broken that promise multiple times.

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