Chapter XXII

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Ethan slept in his bed alone, finally, he closed his eyes slowly, today had been a hectic day, everything was awful running into his father and causing that mess. Everyone had their eyes on him now, he was scared about it he had reasons to fear and he had reasons not to this was one of those moments he had to. He closed his eyes to a dark abyss, unlike normal memories his had dreams of the past but not the good ones they were altered to fit the standards of the Enclosure. He watched as before his eyes everything was altered to the dark clouds, a thunderstorm clouded before his eyes. It stopped to see Rowan who yelled as Ethan entered the Enclosure. Everything happened so fast, as it always did.

It'd always start with a cloud, thunder somthing he'd feared since he was a kid. Then it'd close on Rowan until finally it hit his father. How he craved his fathers attention, but not the negative kind the positive kind where he loved and cared for him. So he went for Bergandail who never seemed to give the attention back he was just there for support, which made sense because he worked for Matthew. He knew about Bergandail and Matthew, they both cared for each other deeply yet niether would admit it because they couldn't it was forbidden. Ethan moved in his bed before hearing his door open.


"Ethan I must speak with you," Ethan opened his eyes not seeing the usual face who would burst into his room, this time it was a man an officer.


"Head master would like to speak with you as well as Dr. Kyle Bergandail." The officer turned on Ethans light, he was blonde, bright blue eyes and wore the normal black uniform with green bow to show where he was from, he was from Avanya, Embers sister sector. Behind his was Dr. Bergandail dressed more formally than normal, Ethan hesitated and pulled himself up.

"Head Master wishes to speak with me?"

"He's here to help you, he believes that your sister has some one quite important to him."

"Are you talking about the twins Alexei and Griffin, aren't they Russian?"

"We don't question the Head Master." The Officer was sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, he was eyeing Ethans fridge in the corner.

"I'm not allowed to drink officer while I'm on medication." Ethan bit his lip and then looked up to Dr. Bergandail who clasped his fingers together, he was nervous about something but Ethan didn't know what.

"Alexei and Griffin are extremely important to Head Master, and Head master is very important to both me and your father."

"You mean that bastard of a man who called me a common scientist." Ethan rolled his eyes and looked to Bergandail.

"Ethan this is your father."

"I'm not going to affiliate with him, he's a monster and I want nothing to do with him!" Ethan slammed his hand against the bed fram only for his knuckle to start throbbing. The beds were made of metal looking to his hand his eyes widened only to see a large gash running down the side of his knuckle.

"He's just like him." The officer looked to Bergandail then back to Ethan, Bergandail walked over to Ethan kneeling in front of him and taking his hand.

"Ethan I know you don't want to talk to him, hell I don't like talking to him but this is important for you and for Cove." Ethan picked up his other hand wrapping it around Bergandails hand, he nodded placing his head on Bergandails hand.

Bergandail undid his hand from Ethans and took his hand behind Ethans back. Bringing him into a tight hug Bergandail hadn't had this in a long time, he missed his sons hugs. It was his fault his son was on the lose but he had Ethan. He was the closest thing he could get to a son, Ethan tried to wipe tears from his cheeks but he couldn't Bergandail was like a father to him when his father couldn't be.

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