Chapter VII

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The Doctor looked at the science lab before him, there stood a green liquid next to a bottle of wine. Placing his hand on the bottle the drunk Doctor gulped down the bottle of the green liquid. Quickly feeling the sharp pain pulsating within his veins.


He looked to the door way, seeing the short little Monroe carrying a box and clearly stacks of paper ontop. Monroe wasn't a small kid, but the papers and boxes made him a lot shorter than he actually was. The Doctor chuckled and hobbled over to the young boy.

"Ah, Monroe, let me guess papers from Dr. Colestone?" The Doctor seemed warm with his remarks, but Monroe had never been to this part of the labratory systems,but he had heard it.

This part of the systems were called the Mad scientist labrynth. Nobody went down here, besides the crazy alchemists, and the people who actually believed the old science fiction tales. Monroe had seen the Doctor a couple times around, mostly for him to mix the medicines Dr. Bergandail made or to approve they're use. The Doctor was a kind old man from London, apparently he had a son, but no one talked about his son.

"No, these are from Dr. Bergandail, I see you were trying a new potion perhaps?" Monroe tried to show some kind of sympathy for the old man, but clearly even the Doctor didn't want to be here.

"Yep, finest of its kind, one that would get me kicked out of The EC if they found out." The Doctor's smile was sinister, and it scared even Monroe.

"Did you come for anything else my boy, usually with papers they just send it down the shoot."

"Well there's a small thing," Monroe placed the papers on the Doctors desk, before seeing the paper study he was doing, everyone knew the Doctor was Bipolar, it was a common thing among the labs. But his experiments were strange, a little too close to the books.

The Doctor fixed his tie then looked over to Monroe who clearly was looking at his papers some how. He didn't let people look at his papers, but he was proud of his work. Well, mostly of what he found, not the after affects. He wasn't the smartest of doctors but he wasn't dumb. He came up with most split personalities medicines and medicines for mental disorders. He always came up with complex medicines and often wanted to show his own town. This time he was excited to return back to London to show his success of the Enclosure labs, so maybe the British union would take on the labs. 

"What are you looking for?" As the Doctor spoke Monroe knew he was caught. Quickly changing his postion, his left hand wrapped around his right wrist tightly gripping onto it. Looking down at his black unbuttoned vest, with the EC badge placed neatly on his left side.

"Well, theres a certain girl,"

"A girl I see, well I'm not allowed to make those kind of medicine, but the EC do-"

"No Doctor, I need to find her, I think she's in some kind of danger." Monroe looked to the Doctor straight in the face, hoping some how it'd faze him.


Monroe looked down, he'd have to faze up sooner or later, but not to Bergandail and definetly not to Olive. He was scared of telling people his actual truth, he knew who his family was. He knows what they do, Colestone kills people and his mother was the kindest woman in Ember. He didn't like admiting things about his family, even if it was a dire situation. He always found a way to avoid it some how. He swept his hand through his hair and looked to the Doctor, who quickly raised a brow.

"You know how Head Dr. Colestone had kids way back when,"

"Your Ethan Colestone aren't you?" Monroe was confused about the Doctors quick response but he didn't question it.

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