Chapter XIX

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Cove stood next to Artyom holding his gun in her hand she looked down at Borya, then to Elena in the Electric chair. Devin stood behind them all Toby had gotten him out of the cell, they tried to stabalize his broken arm, he walked next to Cove looking down at Borya's body. Tears fell down her cheeks, she didn't want to admit it but that felt nice. It felt nice to get the revenge she needed, the one she'd been craving ever since she entered Kapel. But it was easier than she thought. Something was wrong and she didn't understand what was wrong, something was off and she couldn't place her finger on what it was.

"That was easier than I thought." Rowan looked over to Cove who was struck with fear and relief, she looked to Toby who stood in the corner, he knew something as well.

Griffin walked to Elena in the chair stopping the Electricity from reaching his leader. He wraped his arm around her back and the other under her behind. Raising her in the air from the chair, her head fell limp to his chest of which he moved strands of her blonde hair from her face. He looked over to the others hoping for some kind of guidance.

"So where's Alexei," Eliza looked to Artyom who of which didn't have anything to protect himself, but Kira did.

She switched the gun from her belt and held it to them, hoping for some reason she'd be able to make up for what just happened. Everyone looked to her surprised, tears fell from her eyes no one understood what she was doing, not even Artyom.

"Kira what are you doing!"

"This is for Cherno-" Before she could finish the sentence a bullet flew through her gut. Behind her in the doorway stood Anya and Alexei, he held onto Borya's old cane as a support. All of them looked to the weakened Alexei

"She was ingraned," Anya spoke taking a button from her skirt, all of them watched but they weren't as surprised as Artyom. Whos tood in shock of what his sister did.

"It was either her or us, and although I understand Cove is a Colestone I'm not risking it."

"Hey!" Devin stood in front of Cove who didn't even flinch at her response she was used to that by now, her father was a killer or a terrible person. But she didn't know if she believed the tales or not

"Colestone killed thousands of people and broadcasted every death in UES over radio comms, not only that but he tested th-"

"Are we done Anya," Alexei held his hand in front of her standing to the rest of the group.

"Heh Radio Demon right?" Griffin chuckled before being gestured to look back at his brother by Rowan.

"Basically we have four more days to travel, she is here to offer a holimobile for us to get to the Enclosure as soon as possible, Anya works for the Crimson sector."

"Really now?" Artyom crossed his arms and rolled his eyes to Toby who held his arms behind his back looking to Alexei without pause.

"Someone will need to care for Kapel until the head master is informed of our being and someone will need to return to our base to inform the Crimson sector of our mission." Alexei last hands clasped together, Cove watched him intently before her eyes met his. His eyes seemed so familiar as if she'd met him before, not back in Flame but somewhere else.

"I'll stay in Kapel," Toby spike it was the first time he spoke actual English and they were surprised.

"I'll stay for translation," Anya walked over to Toby and looked to Alexei with a soft smile. Cove didn't understand why they'd gotten so close, what happened to Alexei and why he was the brave one now, she was the one who shot Borya and now Alexei was getting praise.

"Artyom can I trust you to return to Zavodila and inform th-"

"I'll make it there and back in no time just inform me about anything." Artyom nodded, Alexei nodded as well and looked to Elena who was being held up by his brother. He felt bad for leaving Elena behind, letting her get hurt in such a bad place but sometimes you had to do stupid things for people you love.

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