Chapter XXIII

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Alexei jumped out of the Holimobile his boots hit the ground hard causing alarge cloud of dust to emerge from beneath. He looked over to everyone behind him helping everyone down one by one, he smirked looking to Cove then he frowned once he had to help Devin down.

"I can help myself."

"Thats what I was hoping."

Cove looked before her, they were hours away from the Enclosure she looked behind herself looking to the group she formed, she loved each and everyone of them some for helping her and others because of their kindness. She looked to Devin holding her arms out of which he smiled and hugged her.  She then looked to Rowan and Eliza, then to Griffin and Elena but finally Alexei, the one who surprisingly liked talking to her. She walked up to him and held out her hand, he tilted his head looking to Devin then back to her. He shook her hand and smirked solomly, he meant it, although she had Devin he cared for her, he didn't know in what way he just did like she was some person he was meant to protect. He couldn't be with her or force any kind of feelings but he could protect her, even if it had to be better than Devin.

She wandered back over to Devin grabbing onto his hand, she started to ramble about things Alexei couldn't pick up on. He smiled then looked to Elena who hit the Holimobile sending it back where it came from, before looking to her friend. He watched her for a couple minutes but quickly he zoned out. Elena snapped her fingers of which he blinked and looked to her confused.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking." Alexei played with his wrist of which Elena raised a brow.

"Whats going on?"

"Elena it's really nothing I promise."

"Guys are we going or not." Cove yelled of which Alexei and Elena nodded.

They joined the group and started walking, although they were a couple hours away from the Enclosure it felt like this journey was going to take forever. It'd taken forever to get there so why wouldn't it take forever to get in. They'd have to find people who supported the Crimson sector and Coves cause.  Alexei was worried about what happened when they got in there. Very few people believed in the Crimson sector and when they did they'd get blown off by the guards. He'd have to find Dr. Bergandail and get them in some how, of which he wasn't sure of anymore. He looked up seeing the sky leading to the inevitable Enclosure, the place he feared the place that brought everything back. The Enclosure was a hellhole and it will always be. But they kept walking as if nothing was going on, as if they weren't walking into their final death.

Alexei kept thinking and he didn't know if this was bad or not. He remembered the first day he met Devin way back when he was eighteen. Alexei was twenty at the time and didn't really believe him at first but thats when he broke into their bunker, thats when he knew things about Devin he didn't expect. Devin was smart with his tacticts, everything he did was for a reason. At that time he wanted the bunker they had and personally Alexei wasn't going to give it up but because he was a poor ravenger with no home they gave him a home. In favor he destroyed it and ran away, since they were Bounty hunters they reported him and he was brought to Ember, they pumped in with medicine that weakened him, Alexei knew all of this because he was informed.

They kept walking for several hours until they reached the point of no return, a gate, with officers at the main quarters. They looked to the group seeing no vehicle of which they thought the group was just passing by, but in reality Alexei held a card that said he was a certified Bounty hunter as well as Elena and Griffin. Cove looked cautiously holding tightly onto Devins arm, he rubbed his hand on hers trying his best to comfort her. The officer looked at Alexei rather suspicious of what he was doing but he let them in with a guard with them. Officer Johns the head lieutenant of the Enclosure defense. Rowan stared him down he looked oddle familiar although he couldn't place his finger on who it was.

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