Chapter 16

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The next day


"So how did it go with his mama?" Dawn asked me from my couch. For once she was actually up for a girl's night in on a friday. I think she and Jermaine had probably gotten into it tho, so she decided to keep me company.

"Bruh." I began, before throwing back a few kernels of popcorn in my mouth.

"She basically thought I was a thot and warned me to not get messy and try any stunts when it comes to the baby," I explained

"Really?" Dawn said with a cheek full of popcorn. "She should be happy that its your ass her son accidentally got pregnant. Some of these hoes out here wouldve had a field day on his ass if in your position. "

I shrugged it off about to grab some more popcorn but halted.

"Whats the matter?" Dawn asked.

I shot up off the couch and ran for the toilet as I threw up all what I was eating.

"Guess that means more popcorn for me!" She shouted to me from the living room. I side eyed the door, even though she couldnt see me.

After my all to usual vomiting I nestled back into my seat next to Dawn.

"So how's Jermaine?" I asked. Lately we been caught up so much in the happenings of my life, we barely spoke bout other things.

She sucked her teeth, " I dont wanna talk bout that fool"

I snorted. " what happened?" Knowing these two.

"He stopped by the store this afternoon and kept questioning me bout some nigga who was my Man crush monday....I told him dont come in here with none of that cinnamon apple shit!" She explained getting upset as if Jermaine was in front of her

"Anyways we began arguing and shit so I kicked him out....but he kept on coming back into the store saying it was a public I just closed that bitch up early and went to the mall" she finished and sipped on her diet coke.

I raised an eyebrow, " please tell me the store was empty during this ratchet argument"

She shook her head, " there were a couple women in there but I told them they had to leave after"

"You kicked out your customers?!" I said astonished, turning to a side to face Dawn.

"I was pissed so wasnt like I was gonna be of any help to them," she continued looking at the tv.

"Dawn you do realise they basically pay for those pretty little haircuts you get every two weeks right?" I tried talking some sense into her head

"Yeah and they should also realise that my clothing be getting they asses a man at the club each week " she said not to interested.

I laughed and shook my head. Dawn never ceases to amaze me.

My phone vibrated on the couch and I picked it up to see a message from August

August: what times the appointment tomorrow again?

I swear he was so forgetful. I told him this after we got back from Houston.

Me: 1 pm. Did u save the address to the doctor's office?

August: naww. Thought id just slide thru and pick ya up to go there

Me: well Dawn's been the one going with me frm day one but im sure she wont mind.

August: coo. I'll come get yall bout 12:30 pm

"Hey Dawn, August wants to take us to the appointment tomorrow. " I told her placing down my phone

"Cool. As long as he driving cause I might be a little hungover. " she answered me

Baby By Me- August Alsina FictionWhere stories live. Discover now