Quiet Time - Teardrop x Eggy

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|I don't have any suggestions yet, so I used a Wheel Decide to get this.|

Teardrop stood far away from the front of the concert, near the drinks. Down at the front, objects were screaming and cheering at the performers who sang loudly and proudly to the crowd. They had electric guitars, bases, drums, and a singer with a voice that could be heard for miles. TD didn't like them. It wasn't that they weren't good; practically everyone at the concert would disagree with that statement. It was just the fact they were so damn loud. TD can enjoy some noise from time to time, but she enjoys silence much more, one of the reasons she doesn't talk. Recently, she was being deprived of her quiet time, as her team would bicker and argue- mainly about Taco- as loud as possible, just so the whole world would know what a "backstabbing traitor" Taco was. TD didn't really know how to feel about the whole controversy ever since she got the chance to hear both sides. At first, it seemed that Book was in the right to shame Taco, which was why the rest of team followed suit. But then, she heard about the things Taco did for her team in later challenges, sacrificing her friendship with Bell for a team that hated her. Lollipop was also a big help in explaining the other side to the group. Now, she couldn't really decide who she should be rooting for. She honestly wished the controversy never happened, or that she didn't have to have a part in it.

TD kept pondering, looking at the facts through her head, when her train of though was disrupted by the loud cheering of other concert-goers, who began to cheer decibels louder as the rock band's song ended, one they're apparently known for. TD forgot the name of the band. She looked around to see if she could find any clues, but she was too far away from the signs. She didn't care enough to get up and look, so she just sat there, sipping her soft drink.

Why did she come here?

She didn't really have an answer. No one asked her to come, and probably wouldn't realize her presence whether she was there or not. She wasn't even that into rock. Was it to socialize? No, no, she's horrible at that, and people seem to always interpret her arm movements as insults and threats. She opened her phone and pulled up social media to see who else came to the event.

Pen, his friends, Match, Pencil, Leafy, Firey, Coiny, Ruby, Flower many, many others. They were all givens. TD knew they all loved to be social. She would even consider some, like Match and Pencil, to be social animals, ravenous for attention. Of course they would come.

She also noticed some lower-profile objects have posted about they're attendance at the concert. People like Ice Cube, Balloony, Cloudy, Woody, TB, and Eggy.


TD was friends with Eggy, to say the least. In fact, she would go as far to say best friends. TD knew for a fact Eggy was the best friend she ever had. She couldn't say the same for Eggy, considering she's a tad more social than her. She noticed in Eggy's post the shelled object came alone to the concert as well. 

For some reason, as the band played on, TD began to grow anxious, frustrated. Maybe she finally realized how lonely she was, how lonely she looked  standing by the soft drinks, not even tapping her foot to the music. Maybe she realized not picking a side in the Taco controversy could get her caught in the crossfire, ridiculed and shunned by both sides. Maybe something inside her just snapped  when the general audience began singing along to yet another song the present band was known and adored for.

It didn't really matter what it was to Teardrop.

All she needed to know was she needed some time to herself, some quiet time.

As TD sat there, agitated, her thoughts and the sounds around her, she heard another females voice call her name.

"Teardrop!" called Eggy, who walked to the back of the open concert space to take a chill pill. The loudness of the crowd was finally getting to her, as well. Eggy ran up to TD when she realized the tear probably wouldn't come to her.

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