Update on the oneshots queue

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I'm just going to cut to the chase. As you've probably seen, I haven't been as active here in the last few months. This is mostly because of school and other stressors in my personal life, as well as that I'm taking on some new hobbies/skills that I want to further peruse. In the time that I've closed new requests to get the old ones done, I've only completed and posted a single request. And that was in July, 4 months ago. The requests I have yet to complete are from as far back as February. Holy shit.

On top of school, hobbies, etc., I haven't been very motivated to do the oneshots. I have a good few to do, but when I do have time, sometimes I just can't get myself to do them. I have a personal rule to make every oneshot at least 2000 words. I also try to keep them as grammatically correct as possible. For some of these oneshots, I already have scenarios and stories thought up (next one in queue is in progress), but even then I still don't follow through most of the time, despite that I know when I start writing I can go for a good hour or too, usually enough to get most of a oneshot done.

I know that it's just a oneshot for some silly object shows. I know that most of the people who requested probably don't even care all that much. It's not like I'm getting paid to do this.

And yet I feel like I'm letting you down.

I look at all these other writers who can get things in on a weekly, or sometimes daily basis and meanwhile I haven't even said anything in months. I want this to change, but I know I'm not going to be able to get these oneshots in as quick as I initially thought. 

So, I'll try something else.

I'm thinking about creating a story. Not like a chapter in Storytime Collection, but an actual book consisting of one consistent story. When I first joined Wattpad and began writing I hated the idea of writing up a bunch of chapters that had to fit together. But now, I think I'll try it. Hopefully this will in turn help me complete the oneshots faster. And even if it doesn't, at least there will be something new for you to read.

I can't say when I'll begin writing, the story, but I promise it will be soon. Real soon.

I also can't say when I'll get another oneshot up. It could be right after the first chapter of my new story, or a month after, who knows. Just know that I won't leave you hanging and will eventually get to it. Eventually. 

That's really all I had to say. I kinda made a big deal out of just writing some stupid shit on Wattpad, but who cares lmao.

If you requested a oneshot from me that still hasn't been completed, I'm sorry. I hope I can make it up to you with this new story.

To end it, here are some writers I recommend to read, if you haven't already. (all object show stuff duh)

tinsope has a surplus of stories and was one of the first writers I read here. tinsope also dabbles in oneshots and is a very good artist.

losnua makes excellent books and short stories, and is someone I've actually spoken to before. He's a cool dude.

ClownTownUSA is very popular for both Survive and The Perfect Subjects, and for good reason. Also makes cool fanart and has a very interesting II webcomic.

blueandgreenlesbians has a poggers oneshot book full of ships of all kinds from a bunch of different object shows. He's also done a few works outside of object shows, give those a read too.

IceMintFreeze is probably someone you already know. Don't lie. I still have yet to read Fear Garden.

Testtubeisawesome makes some good quality content. Underrated imo. Also talked to her before. 

kortooney isn't as popular as the rest, but that doesn't change anything. Still makes great oneshots, and is even taking requests as of right now (I think). Another cool person I've met.

Anyways cya when I make some shit

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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