Closeted - Taco x Lollipop

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|Requested by Milsia546, the first person to request more than once. Congrats on that I guess? Anyways, enjoy!|

|Takes place in Yoyle City, imagine everyone lives there. They're still objects though.|

|Includes homophobia, but nothing too bad (I think)|

Lollipop took a seat on her elegantly purple living room sofa. She relaxed and sighed to herself, looking back at the day she had. Most of the important stuff revolved around a certain someone.

It was Taco. Duh.

That day, Lollipop and her fishy friend had a heart-to-heart about something that sparked the fire to their new relationship. It was a magical moment for both of them, and she cherished every moment of it, despite the bitter topic they began with.


Taco pulled Lollipop away from the others, who were eating and laughing and talking about what-have-you outside of the bakery they loved. The fish taco wore a face that seemed shameful, worried, scared, embarrassed; just generally miserable-looking.

She noticed the somber and anxious expressions Taco made throughout the hangout before this. It was obvious she had something on her mind that was prohibiting her from having as much fun as she wanted to. It coated the sweet in worry, seeing her fishy friend look like this. No one else mentioned it, though, so she decided not to ask in front of everyone and call her out.

Though Taco's state was concerning, Lollipop was glad that they were able to get almost the whole group to the bakery that day and hang out, just like old times. They never had time to relax together anymore as a whole group. Sure, Taco and Lollipop lived in neighboring duplexes, Saw and Gaty were roommates, and Ice Cube and Book both worked the same hours at the same library, but other than that, they only interacted as a group once or twice a week, and it usually wasn't for something like going out for a bite to eat and chat, it was mostly just texting over the phone. 

Everyone except Book decided to show up to the gathering. Why didn't Book come? It wasn't any of the sweet's concern.


Taco took Lollipop to a lonely bus stop on the other side of the street. The stop was for a new bus route that was still a work in progress, so there were no objects waiting for buses or anything of the sort to bother them. Whatever Taco wanted to tell Lollipop, she didn't want anyone else to hear, not one bit.

She stood inside the bus stop, Lollipop right behind her. She had her back turned to the taller girl and paused in what seemed to be hesitation. Lollipop wanted to help in any way she could, but didn't want to egg her on to do so. So, she stood there, waiting for the fish taco to speak.

Finally, she did.

"Lollipop?" Taco finally asked, turning to the candy.

"Yes, darling?" Lollipop asked back, sympathetically. The 'darling' part made Taco blush a little.

 "I-I think Book hates me now." The words puzzled Lollipop. What could she have done to make Book hate her?

"Hate you?" Lollipop repeated, confused. "What makes you think that she hates you?"

"Well, she doesn't talk to me, she looks at me like I'm some s-sort of freak, and I think she's been spreading rumors about me..."

If all this was true—which it probably was, Taco wasn't the type to banter in this way—then the situation was more serious than Lollipop thought. 

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