Tuesday Temper - Lightbulb x Paintbrush

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|Requested by shoplkins2. They requested one before this that I have yet to do, but I figured since they requested both at basically the same time, they wouldn't mind if I did the second one first. Whatever, let's begin.|

|It's in a city idk.|

|Warning: Domestic Violence. It's minor but it still happens, so be aware of that.|


Their voice shook the walls of the relatively small studio apartment. Neighbors heard the noise and immediately recognized it. The volume of the voice alone made it easy to figure out it was Paintbrush's booming voice from Apartment 311. It also meant there was no stopping their rage by simply knocking at the walls with a broom as a reminder that others inhabited the large apartment complex as well. Ending the frenzied anger would often require going straight up to their face and telling them something like "Shut the hell up!" like the guy two door left did just a week ago, or "Stop shouting, you ignorant bastard!" like the lady who lived right across from them did two months ago before looking for a new place to stay. It was either that, or they'd have to take it up with the big man upstairs: the landlord.

It was a lazy Tuesday, around 6pm. Most hoped and prayed the issue would be resolved quick and easy by their girlfriend, Lightbulb, who knew them well and how to calm them down.

Though she seemed to be the cause of this particular outburst.

"Painty, please-" Lightbulb's voice was as soothing as she could force it to be.

"You're joking, right?!" Paintbrush interrupted. "Please tell me this is one of your stupid fucking jokes!"

Paintbrush waved the flyer in their hand around as they yelled. The flyer read Anger Management Group: Learn to Stay Calm, followed by an address and Wednesdays at 4pm, which is when the group would meet. It was a bland flyer, obviously created by an ametuer, but it gave all the information needed for Lightbulb to know it would be perfect for Paintbrush.

Lightbulb found it the day before when she was walking back home from work. It was a pretty new group that opened up recently, and it was still open to new members. The price was cheap, meaning it could be fit into the couple's tight budget, and the fact that it was done in a group meant Paintbrush could work on making new friends, something the light new they needed desperately, even if they didn't show it. 

Practically everyone in the apartment complex was an enemy, and it was because of Paintbrush, Lightbulb knew. They stay inside all day, either painting or infuriating a neighbor. They should have been kicked out by now, seeing that the number of complaints the landlord received regarding the tempered brush. The only reason they weren't was because they were good friends with said landlord, OJ.

But Lightbulb knew OJ would eventually have to give in to demands. New neighbors constantly came with cheery moods and happy greetings, only to leave in haste, feeling sympathy for those who remained but would not look back and question their decision to leave merely months later. If this continued, the complex was sure to become deserted for good. OJ would go bankrupt and the couple would have nowhere to stay.

It seemed Paintbrush couldn't see that.

"Painty, I know you're mad, but-"

"Mad? Mad?! You haven't seen the half of it!" It was true. Their bristles weren't even ablaze yet. Despite how often Paintbrush would get angry, it was a rare occasion that their 'hair' would light up the room like the ignition of a lighter. It has never happened inside the apartment; Paintbrush could at least keep themselves from burning the building to ashes.

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