Maybe - Glowing Heart x Cologne

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|This one goes out to losnua. Thanks! Also, no, this isn't dead, people just haven't been requesting. Hope that changes soon.|

|Scene: Right after the happenings of Episode 3.|

It was nighttime. All the contestants were walking away from the outdoor stage they used for the challenge that day. They already found out who was up for elimination, and most weren't worried about the outcome.

Some were worried about other things.

Glowing Heart levitated far from the stage, far from all the other contestants. She needed space to think. Think about her possibly-ex-friend, Cologne.

Earlier that day, before Inhaler was eliminated, Glowing Heart tried to talk to Cologne. She wanted to start by making small talk of the elimination, then build up to apologizing about dropping Cologne on his nozzle, as well as getting them up for elimination. It was something she conjured up in her head after the sick feeling in her stomach that told her she was a bad friend and teammate became too much for her.

After Cologne was dropped on his nozzle, it was clear he was mad.  He yelled in a rage about how nothing was supposed to touch his spray nozzle. What hurt more was that Glowing Heart knew he was angry with her. It made her feel guilty; more guilty than she has ever felt before.

She just wanted to make things right.

So, as the contestants were walking over to see who was eliminated, the pastel pink heart gathered up all her courage and attempted to talk to Cologne.

Needless to say, it didn't go well.

Glowing Heart stopped at a tree and lowered closer to the nice grass. She began to remember the interaction in her head and let it repeat multiple times. Every time, it seemed Cologne's silence grew louder and louder, more spiteful every time.

She thought that maybe she did something wrong. Maybe she shouldn't have started by talking about the elimination? Maybe she should have started with the apology? Maybe she should have acted more desperate?

Glowing Heart asked herself what she did wrong over and over again, thinking about possible outcomes if she came up with a different plan.

Maybe if she began with apologizing, things would be different and maybe he would be her friend again.

Maybe she'd even have a chance at being his, like she wanted to be ever since they first met in Episode 1, when they completed the challenge together.

But no- she had to ruin it buy doing whatever it is she did. Now there's no chance.

What if she stopped this before it began by just powering through Extension Cord's electricity and holding on tight to Cologne? Not only would they be safe, but they would've continued to be friends.

And maybe even more, Glowing Heart thought.

But no- she had to drop him and, despite her being able to fly, couldn't grab him out of the air in time.

Glowing Heart thought about what she said to Cologne again, and what he didn't say back. The silence left a void in Glowing Heart's... well... heart.

She began to beat herself up by thinking about an array of things, ranging from how terrible of a friend she was to how she was nowhere near good enough for Cologne. 

She ruined virtually her only friendship, and made her crush hate her.

The thoughts brought Glowing Heart to tears right then and there. She put her face in her hands to attempt to block the tears from falling down her face. All that did was make her hands wet. She wanted to cry louder, but she also wanted to stop because she was afraid someone would find her there and make fun of her, or worse, tell Cologne.

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