For Science - Test Tube x Lightbulb

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|First request. Requested by LoversOfManyThings. Enjoy!|

Test Tube sat alone on a stool in her lab, slouched over. She stared absently at the green patterned egg that had a crack that ran through half of it. It was the same egg she took from Fan that very day, only a few hours ago. The same one that Fan loved so very much, only to lose it once he was eliminated. He spent so much time loving the egg, and in the end, it didn't matter. he was forced through the portal by MePhone4; he didn't even get to say goodbye.

These thoughts and an abundance of others similar to them would run through Test Tube's mind again and again. She was great friends with Fan prior to the fight, and would even help care for the egg herself. All to stab her friend in the back? All to research what could be just a common animal with a nicely patterned egg? That stung to think about: the chance this could a common creature, not one of wonder as she originally thought. She shook the thought from herself, remembering the egg was from another planet. It had to be something rare, at least rare to the beings of Earth. Maybe even something completely new, something unseen before. That would be something. And to study a new creature, never before seen, would mean she'd be taking great strides in the world of science. She would earn great praise from fellow researchers, earn great fame.

But she remembered Fan.

Fan didn't care about what came out of the egg. In fact, she would say he was afraid of what came out of the egg. No, she thought, he was afraid for what came out of the egg. Test Tube remembered what Fan said to her before he had to leave, his last attempt to persuade Test Tube not to follow through with her plans. He didn't want the creature to be deprived of its nice patterns, to have to see the world for what it really is, to have go out there, alone, and try to be something, do something with it's life. He just wanted to let the egg be content. It didn't need anything more in his eyes, or anything less. It was perfect just the way it was.

And Test Tube wanted to ruin that for him.

...Was she selfish for keeping the egg?

She immediately thought the answer was no, no, no all over. She wasn't doing this just for her, she was doing this for all of objects alike. This would revolutionize science and biology as she knew it. In fact, maybe Fan was the selfish one. He wanted the egg to remain how he wished. How did he know what was best for the egg? He didn't know any more about the egg than she did.

But then she thought about why she had to be the one to discover this, no one else.  


She wanted praise from her science colleagues, to be known as the object who discovered a new, otherworldly species. She's go down is history as one of the greats. One of those to be respected in the science community. 

Fan didn't want that fame. He just wanted the egg to be happy. The only way he believed he could make it happy was to allow it the way he wished to live, a way of living that would make Fan glad to live if he could go through life again. It's not his fault he didn't know any better way of living in his opinion.

Truly, she was selfish. In that situation, she was the antagonist.

This realization made Test Tube's eyes look down, away from the egg, guiltily. She sat like that for minutes, letting the ideas she put into her head fester, until her phone buzzed on the counter. She picked it up and saw a notification.

It was a vlog post from Fan. It was titled I was eliminated today. It was different from other titles, others had words in all capital letters and exclamation points at the end. The thumbnail was also different. Usually, the thumbnails would be pictures of him smiling, sometimes with other contestants. In this one, he was looking away from the camera, overflowing with melancholia, on what Test Tube could assume was his bed in his room at Hotel OJ. She decided to watch the video, despite her state.

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