Welcome Home - OJ x Paper

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|Requested by  Milsia546. Enjoy.|

|Fuck it, first humanized one.|

It was finally the day he would come home. He's been gone for a while, and it killed him inside being away from his friends for so long, even if he was with family. It wasn't family he knew very well, mostly distant relatives he never met, so it was a pretty lonely experience to say the least, even if they were quite hospitable.

But soon, he'd be back home with his friends. Oh, and his boyfriend, OJ.

Paper thought about all the things he must have missed out on during his time in Missouri. There must have been at least a few quarrels between Nickel and Balloon, or maybe Apple and Marshmallow visited the hotel while he was away. He always liked their company, and hoped he didn't miss one of their rare visits.

Paper's distant family had his month in Missouri completely booked. He'd be out for almost the whole day, doing tourist things, until the sun fell on the sky and it'd be too late to call OJ or anyone else at the hotel.

The main and usually only way he'd know about what was happening back home was through Fan's blog, which the short techie updated frequently. Anything and everything Fan found even slightly interesting had the potential to be on his blog.

But recently, Fan went silent. For the last week, there were no posts whatsoever. Nothing about Fan, nothing about the hotel, nothing about anyone or anything. It confused Paper, who knew how much Fan loved doing that type of stuff. It would be strange for him to quit, even for just a week.

Paper concluded something must've been going on back at Hotel OJ, which was where most of his friends resided, including his boyfriend, the owner, OJ. But what would've happened that caused Fan to stop updating his blog?

The possibilities and the overall feeling of not knowing made him anxious, but he calmed himself down by reassuring himself that OJ wouldn't let anything bad happen to his friends. Plus, he'd know what happened soon enough. He just had to get home.

"We're here," Paper's Uber driver said, breaking his train of thought. He was in his head this whole time, and didn't even realize he made it to the airport.

"Oh!" Paper jolted up, unbuckling his seatbelt. "Thanks!" He opened the car door and stepped out. He then went to the back of the car and opened the trunk for his luggage. The male made sure his white jacket was on right before reaching in and taking his two suitcases of luggage out. He packed surprisingly light considering he stayed for a month, but he was able to get everything he needed for the journey into those two medium-sized bags and still have room for more.

Paper closed the trunk and waved the driver off, taking a minute at the curb to pull out his phone and rate the driver 5 stars on Uber, as he always does. After turning off his phone and placing it in his pocket, he waited went inside the airport building and got in line to get his two white and gray bags weighed and taken away.


"Is this good, OJ?" Cherries asked at the same time. He was standing on a ladder holding a banner that read 'Welcome Home, Paper!' in place. He struggled to keep the banner in place while the ladder under him wobbled threateningly. 

"Perfect." OJ looked back to his clipboard, which held a list of what was to be done before Paper got back and what everyone at Hotel OJ was in charge of. As Cherries pinned the banner to the wall, he checked 'banner' off of the list.

"OJ, where did you say you wanted this cake?" Paintbrush asked. They were holding an average-sized vanilla and red velvet cake that said 'Welcome Back!' on top. The mouths of others watered at the sight of the cake.

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