Swing Set - Book x Ice Cube

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|Also requested by shoplkins2, like the last one. Enjoy!|

|Note: I started this a while ago but got sick and only got around to continuing it recently. Sorry bout that.|

|And it's high school.|

3:42pm on a Thursday. School's out.

Book sat idly on one of the swings of her barren neighborhood playground. Being a high school sophomore on an elementary schooler's playground, it was obvious she wasn't there to play.

It was her spot for relaxing. Has been since the 7th grade, when it came to her realization that the small park was unused, ignored by the rest of the neighborhood because no one of the appropriate ages lived there anymore.

She'd read, do her homework, listen to music and think, etc. She could always go home and do all of that, but she liked the outdoor feel and her parents, who got home every day at 4:30, didn't mind in the slightest.

Right now, she was just thinking. She didn't have her earbuds in as usual, playing her favorite songs. The only noise came from her surroundings: the chirping of the birds, the rustling of the calm, green trees as the winds pushed through their branches, the occasional sound of tires drifting on asphalt, the loose pebbles on the roads being picked up and dropped from the wheels, the small creaking sounds the swing Book was seated upon made.

Book thought about an abundance of meaningless topics that only briefly crossed her mind, skipping over to the next topic when she found herself uninterested.

Four has been kinda harsh this past week, she said to herself in her head. He screeched the lunchroom for a good five minutes yesterday because, what, Blocky stood on a table or something? He zapped Snowball pretty badly on Monday, too. I wonder what's going on. It was normal for Four to zap someone or screech at the class every now and then, but it was somewhat unnatural for the strange teacher to zap someone 18 times for simply arguing.

She dictionary decided it wasn't anything of her concern and the number's aggression would probably subside by next week. She was just glad the victim wasn't someone she was friends with, like Gaty or Bubble or Ice Cube.

Ice Cube! That's right!  she practically exclaimed aloud as the remembrance of the event from Tuesday came back to her in full detail.

It happened between classes as Book was checking her locker. Among the chatter of fellow students, she could hear the voices of none other than Match and Pencil. After closing her locker, she looked over to the other end of the hallway, where the book heard the speech. It was a bit difficult to see the two past all of the other objects, so she decided to step closer, seeing she had the time to go see her friends because there were still a few minutes left before the bell for the next class rang.

She walked past the other students, ignoring their conversations completely. She focused on the voices of her friends and listened to what they had to say, trying to get a grasp of what they were talking about.

"C'mon," she heard Pencil say, presumably to Match, "it's high school. You've got to be crushing on someone!"

"Yeah!" Match agreed. "Out of the whole, like, school, there's gotta be at least, like, one."

Book was puzzled at their dialogue. She was under the impression that they were talking to each other, but what they said threw her off completely. Who else were they talking to?

She politely pushed past a final group of objects to see what was going on.

"I-I..." Ice Cube stuttered, "I don't know..."

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