Movie Night - Paintball x Vape

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|Requested by NgHoang1312. Hope you like it.|

|A lot of talk of horror. Don't think that's a problem, just a heads up I guess|

Crickets chirped in the night as the OSO cast gathered around the big screen inside Crayon Box's elimination building. They tried to get as comfortable as they could get, most deciding not to sit in the uncomfortable foldable chairs that were there. They would rather sit on the floor.

Crayon Box thought it would be nice for the cast to get a little break from the challenges and take the edge off a little bit, so she postponed them and decided to try something new: a movie night. Everyone was ecstatic that they didn't have to fear an elimination for a time.

Earlier that day, a vote was established to see which movie would be chosen. The host had quite a few genres to pick from and didn't know what the others would enjoy, so she put it entirely up to them.

She presented them to the group like she would an elimination. Only this time, the genre with the most votes would be the genre they would pick from for the movie night.

When everybody sat down, ready to see what genre was picked, they began to talk to each other about what they hoped would win.

"It better be an action movie," Microphone expressed.

"I hope we get a rom-com!" Holly shouted, making Coaster flinch, who was right next to her. Coaster glared at the smaller girl.

"Sorry," she apologized with a little nervousness in her voice.

"Good thing Inhaler's gone," Cologne said to no one in particular. "He'd probably want something boring, like a documentary." Some objects agreed, knowing Inhaler was the type to flaunt his intelligence in a manner he thought was subtle. 

More and more opinions of what would be chosen arose, but some chose not to voice their preference. Paintball was one of them. She simply stayed seated in her front row spot and waited in silence for the votes to be shown.

She had a few worries in her head, but she pushed those worries back by looking at how slim the chances they would actually happen were due to the wide selection the group was provided.

The biggest worry she had for this movie night was that the genre selected would be the dreaded horror genre. Paintball hated horror movies. The gore grossed her out, the jump scares gave have mini heart attacks, and she usually ended up screaming louder than the victims in the movies. She especially didn't want that happening tonight, in front of all of her fellow contestants. 

Another one of her fears was that she'd have to come face-to-face with her crush, Vape. 

It's only been so long since she was invited to OSO and the contest began, but she's already grown feelings for someone there. She didn't really know how to explain her feelings for the purple vape pen, nor did she want to. No one had to know, no one needed to know. Not even Vape himself.

The worrying thoughts clouded her mind until she took control.

Everything will be fine!  She said it in her head so nobody would think she was weird. You're overreacting. There were plenty of genres to pick, what are the chances that horror is selected? Plus, Vape isn't even nearby!

Paintball looked around for her crush. She wanted to know his whereabouts so she wouldn't stumble upon him accidently. 

It didn't take long for her to find him. He was also in the front row, but he was on the other side of the room. He seemed to be thinking to himself or something. Like the paint capsule, Vape wasn't talking to anyone, nor did it seem like he was listening to what others had to say. Her best guess was that he was just spaced out.

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