16th December

26 6 3

The next day was the same as every other last. Yoongi had woken up, taken a shower,got dressed, had a bowl of cereal and gone to work at the library. He sat at his usual desk by the entrance of the building, playing a video game on his computer.

"Good morning!" A voice said, interrupting him from his gaming time. He looked up from his dark bangs to find the same girl from the previous day, looking down at him, wearing her usual smile. Today she had painted her lips red and was wearing a summer floral dress.

"Can I help you?" He hoped he couldn't so she could leave him be.

"Uh, yeah actually, I'm returning this book. I'm not really enjoying it."

No shit. Yoongi raised his brow at the statement as she took out the black covered book from her sling bag. Yoongi had read the mind contraption titled "Mind Inside Out" himself and could safely say it was one of the worst books he'd ever come across, and that's coming from someone who reads a lot.

"Of course you didn't enjoy it, it's shit-Returning a book before it's due date means you get a discount." Yoongi had said the first part lowly to himself although not low enough since the girl across from him had heard.

"Oh really? You've read it before?" She asked, purposely ignoring the part about a discount. Yoongi sighed and cursed his big mouth.

"Yes. Well, barely. I couldn't even make it through the first chapter. The writing is bland and amateur. I would've preferred reading a fan fiction written by a twelve year old." Yoongi finished off his rant to the stranger who seemed wholly invested in hearing his thoughts.

"I guess but you can't argue that it had a great plot." She said thoughtfully, taking her chin in between her fingers. Yoongi frowned.

"I suppose. Your discount?"

"Keep it. In exchange you can help me look for a better book than this one." The slender female walked off, prompting Yoongi to follow her into the maze of bookshelves. He really just wanted to play his video game but it was certain that the poor girl had no good sense when it came to choosing a great book to read, so what would hurt if he helped her?

Just this once?

"The triller section is that way." Yoongi pointed to the opposite direction of the area where they were but it was no use since he was trailing behind the mysterious female and she didn't care to look back.

"I don't actually read thrillers." She said and Yoongi paused for a moment before shoving his hands in the pocket of his dark hoodie.

"Then why'd you take that book?" He asked referring to the book she'd returned.The girl ran her hand across the novels as she spoke.

"I wanted to try something new. I actually enjoy fantasies-this one looks good." She gasped, pulling out a blue covered book with a picture of a blonde girl in the front. 'Emily', the title read. Yoongi shook his head and snatched the book from the girl's hands, putting it back from where it came as if it were a pesticide.

"No. The ending of this one is rushed and confusing." Yoongi said, turning back to face the girl who was slightly shorter than him. She pouted, crossing her hands over her chest.

"In what ways?" She questioned.

"The whole book is about two friends who want to try save their second best friend from dying of a fatal disease by using some secret government cure that's supposed to revive someone from death. Of course these two have to have feelings for each other since apparently all books need love interests- They finally get this cure after thirty chapters of almost being killed and sexual tension and they give it to their friend who dies anyway and the two main characters never even end up together. That's it. There's no character development, no selective objection-the author couldn't even give her readers at least the satisfaction of the two love interests being together since the boy gets eaten by a tiger."

Yoongi finished the last part in distaste as he looked off into the distance. He was still both confused and very much pissed that Ellen Rodgers had made him waste his time reading that nonsense of a book and know he was wasting more time talking about it.

Curse you Ellen.

"So you didn't like it because there's no happy ending?"

"I despised it because there's no purpose to it." The brunette flared, the eyes under his bangs turning into slits.

"I'm starting to think you question everything?" The girl raised her brow challengingly to the older male who just rolled his eyes. He turned on his heel and retrieved another book from the shelf and shoved it into the girl's face.

"Here. Read this. It's incredibly well put together piece of literature work and has an adequate storyline. I'd pay attention while reading this if I were you, everything that is said and done by characters is all purposely put for later on in the story. The writing style is also addictive." He finished, dropping the heavy book into her small pink tinted hands.

"Thanks but I think I'll also take the one you despise. I'd like to find out for myself if it's as bad as you say." The girl said, shaking her head to get out some dark hair that was in her face. Yoongi shrugged,before shoving his slim hands back into his pocket and walking away.

"Suit yourself." Were the words he said as he passed the girl by. She swiftly turned her body to face his direction.

"I'm Yeul, by the way" She called after him, inviting him to also introduce himself.

"Okay." Yoongi simply answered, not even looking back at her.

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