Trails Of You

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Green silhouettes rushed by, the grasslands reaching up the tall abundant masses. The flaming sun was set high, white clouds splashed across the berly in the manner of a azure canvas being trifled with by a unrestricted lax artist. If the sky was the canvas, then one may propose the birds to be the brush for they speared their wings and glided all attempting to absorb the warmth of the day and paint the sky.

One would've wished to capture the moment that only lasted for a time enough for the human eye to seize. What is a the memory if not but a canvas itself; a camera storage only for the inhabitant to access and endure the wonders that lay within.

"What're you thinking about?"

Yeul jerked her head from facing the window to the voice. She paused for a moment before shaking her head and looking back out the window.

"Nothing. Just enjoying the view." She dismissed. Yoongi frowned, turning slightly to look out the large glass himself and only saw trees. Long green boring trees. He looked back at Yeul, not saying a word as he hummed in feigned acknowledgment. He leaned deeper into his seat, watching the girl seated across him carefully.

She was quiet. Something Yoongi would've enjoyed sometime ago, before he was aware of a certain harrowing situation. Right now, he just wanted her to at least pretend like things were alright and that they were as they were before because now, he had to be the one to initiate conversation and he was not good at that.

"Aren't you curious about where I'm taking you?" He asked, purposefully adding a lilt in his tone to try fan away the gloom that hung over them. Yeul shrugged, not looking back at her companion as she spoke.

"I guess? Doesn't really matter to me."

Oh Skies what in the world was he doing? He should've just gotten on a plane and went straight home...stupid dream Taehyung,

he thought.

Yoongi fell silent, shrinking back into his seat and looking into the far distance. There was no turning back now, he was already on a train with the girl. Might as well go through with it. The gloom was a dark stagnant cloud that now, made it evident that it wasn't going anywhere.

Yeul heard the heavy sigh that came from Yoongi's lips after what she'd said. She could see from the corner of her eyes, the man sulking in his seat and immediately a knife of guilt pierced through her, along with other inexplicable emotions she'd been feeling for a while now.

She felt bad for everything she'd done to Yoongi. He didn't deserve any of the burden he was so willingly carrying on his shoulders. She'd expected him to leave the chance he got but was surprised and confused to say the least when the boy had appeared at the hospital, telling her that although he didn't really plan for any of this(which made two of them)he was willing to walk with her till the end. And proceeding to apologize for what he'd said.

This alone was enough to send the small girl into a hilarious crying state as she had mumbled her own apologies and so on and Yoongi had wrapped her in his arms, rubbing her back comfortingly. Yoongi would never openly say it out loud but he enjoyed affection as much as the next person did, which is why it never came as he shock when the boy was suddenly cuddly with her.

And so, when he had abruptly kidnaped her away from her cousin's home onto a train ride to somewhere she didn't know, insisting that Monique was complaining about their existence so they'd go somewhere else-which wasn't a complete lie-she had neither agreed or disagreed. Simply let it be.

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