15th January

18 2 0

He stroked the keys softly, making it look almost effortless. Yeul watched in bewilderment, as she did the first time she had seen him play.

A sound, so unearthly, simply conveyed through the tips of one man's fingers.

Although she had never heard anyone else but him play, Yeul believed that no one, could convey the exact emotion of a piano piece the way he did. It had a certain aggression yet elegance that allowed it to be delivered in form of phantom that it didn't need even comparison to be labeled as the best, which strangely doesn't appeal to this world, but proves the point exactly.

Yeul's eyes unwillingly fell along with her head, her body was beginning to feel heavy and she let them shut, beginning to feel the music rather than hear it.

The most accurate way to describe what she felt in that moment would be to say that, each keys that were played were to hit a different area; her soul and her mind, which were to her, two different things. Her heart was being lulled and allowed to flow through while her mind was being flown to soft clouds of sensitive blue.

She opened her eyes weakly, staring at Yoongi, his head down, continuing to play. Yeul smiled weakly with all the energy left in her.

Perhaps faith was a real concept, because, she was here, right now, with the librarian, listening to him play her a song while she slowly died.

After years of being ridiculed and treated less than human, the time when she has no choice but to go, she meets him. Someone who she's willing to stay for. The universe...it plays tricks on all of us, it had been doing so to Yeul for a while now but this one, this one was the most painful. She picked her head up to look at the dark sky.

No stars could be seen.

So she watched the darkness, feeling as if she was being made to watch  what she'd made her own life, loomed and empty and this was heavier than anything she'd ever felt in her days on earth.

A single star, tucked away behind soft,dark cotton gleamed sneakily, winking and beginning to get wider. That star, was the man playing her Clair del lune right now as she began to fade slowly, she knew it was him. She was so grateful for his very existence till this moment she was unsure of how to express it into words.

He had stayed until the end.

She wanted to tell him she loves him and that he had changed her view on the world but to vain, her body was shutting down and she couldn't even lift a finger.

Whoever said death is a peaceful process, lied. Because now, Yeul's insides burned. Her brain was thumbing, fumbling, fighting and trying to keep her alive, although her soul was well aware that it was useless. The only thing she could do to distract her from the unbearable pain was scream the words Yoongi deserved to hear, in her head.

She only hoped that Yoongi wouldn't dare carry any of her luggage as he continued on his own journey now without her, and that he would remember her, but not always be sad when he does.

Each breath was now shortly cut and stuffed, like her chest was beginning to fill with cement. She didn't want to go yet. Not until the song was finished. Not yet.

She wanted to stay, she'd miss Yoongi. Would Yoongi miss her? Would he be okay? Would she be okay? What laid beyond? She just wanted to make sure Yoongi was safe and not completely destroyed because of her mistakes.

Her mind was beginning to slip in and out consciousness. She dreamt of things she wasn't aware of if they had happened or simply were a figment of her mind. She dreamt of people from different cultures, all speaking different languages to her. Of books all cleverly written and characters who went through ups and downs like her. She dreamt of a boy, beautiful as he was, unknowing of his own purity, his own excellence, smiling at her, putting her calmly to rest. His long finger stroking her hair as he told her stories of his bizarre, as much as he found them to be simple, stories of his life. She dreamt of a soft winged melody playing behind her as she drifted and drifted along and away.

My time here, has come to an end, Min Yoongi.

When the heart shuts down, the brain is still alive for  approximately five to six minutes , wandering about without a functioning body. Uncertainty for if it was five minutes or a mere second, because the star had simply shined so blindingly and taken away all of her pain and suffering and welcomed her into it's warm light and had her disappear until she didn't even know of life, until she didn't know that she was once, was.

Yeul's chest heaved for the last time.

Yoongi stayed still behind the piano, not daring to pick his head up, knowing what lay beyond for he had stopped hearing her heavy breathing moments ago. He took in a shaky breath before completely breaking down, letting all tears, all luggage,

fall to the ground.

Last name: Min|

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