1st January

12 1 5

Authors note

I tried writing how they celebrated their new year but the chapter seemed useless in most cases so I'll just briefly mention it here.


The city of Paris was at odds with any other country. The sky itself was of such a deep ultramarine that one could confuse it with the ocean, the azure reaching out to touch the towering monument that's been mentioned in every romance fiction. The waters that pierced through the landscape twinkled and winked and dared to be as one as the night sky. The sun on the skin was accented to those who were mere guests to these  acres. Trees stood in front of each pale colored, dignified building and the people who these streets belonged to were even more so. The people of France were proud of their country, which deemed them the snobbish clan but it should be so, seeing their premium vintage history of famous paintings, clothes and cuisine.

Of course this was named the city of love because the landscapes make it a tranquil yet demanding task to let be vulnerable and express even the slightest affection you may endure for the person one has been accompanied with.

After celebrating a new year which consisted of unexpected events-Yeul grabbing a stranger from the bar they were at and kissing him all because she'd expressed how she'd never had a New Year kiss and Yoongi obviously wasn't one to fulfill that fantasy of hers- the pair had barely slept. Perhaps it was their bodies still confused by the switch of time zones, but they felt energized and had decided to do the one thing all do when visiting a new country; explore.

The first place Yeul wanted to show Yoongi was the famous Louvre Museum. The man had commented on it's large scale mass. The building rose up to the sky, claiming it's status of not only being the most famous art museum in the world, but the longest building in Europe. Yeul had expressed that seeing every single art collection would take a lifetime so they would see the three most famous objects there.

They had entered the neomodern glass pyramid-the entrance to the museum that was not apart of the building itself before but is one of the reasons is so famous-passing through the revolting doors swiftly. The first thing they'd gone to see was the Ancient Greek sculpture; Venus de Milo. Then the Winged Victory, a marble Hellenistic sculpture of the Greek goddess of victory, Nike. Yeul had explained that the statue conveys a sense of triumph and or action, to which Yoongi had nodded and asked if that's where Nike-the clothing logo- had gotten their idea from.

"I guess the tick is supposed to be a wing?" Yeul shrugged.

The last but not least important was the Mona Lisa. The pair stood in front of the painting, simply absorbed by it's sublime structure, feeling as if they were experiencing history itself.

"What do you think she's smiling about?" Yeul asked the question every other tourist had asked themselves before. Yoongi shrugged. He remembered how Taehyung had once said that Mona Lisa's smile never looked genuine. He'd theorized that she was, in fact sad, but smiled to fool those around her into thinking she's okay. It was silly but Yoongi couldn't help but thinking of it. He had been thinking about him this whole experience.

'People who smile the most are sometimes in more pain.' He'd once said.

"Taehyung would've loved this." Yoongi admitted out loud, startling the girl beside her for a moment before an apologetic smile graced her face.

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