30th December

14 1 2

Small crystals fell from the cold night sky. Music boomed through loud speakers, spilt drinks on counters and dancing bodies closely together; this club was warmer than any other building around.

Three men walked out the exit of the building, leaving the loud music behind them as they laughed and discussed the events that had just occurred merely moments ago.

"I'm pretty sure we're banned now thanks to you two idiots." Yoongi growled as the pair crossed the empty road. The two laughed in union, not taking the situation the slightest bit serious. Both of their cheeks were tinted red, either from the cold weather or the alcohol.

"It's Jungkook's fault." The man with the deepest voice said, pushing his hair back as he dug his pockets for the keys that belonged to the car they were walking towards. Jungkook raised his hands to his chest in defense.

"How was I supposed to know she was the manager's daughter? Plus Taehyung, you're the one who punched the actual manager." The youngest defended himself before sliding into his seat behind the passenger seat where Yoongi sat, groaning at the embarrassment of having been thrown out of a club. Although, he did find it slightly amusing.

"He called you a lady-man. All homophobics deserve to be punched." Taehyung said, shutting the door next to him. The car went silent after that, Yoongi and Jungkook waiting for Taehyung to start the car and the man himself staring blankly at the steering wheel.

"I forgot how to drive." He said making his friends groan in agony.

"Move up you drunk piece of ass." Yoongi teased as him and Taehyung exchanged seats. The man chuckled lightly and Yoongi started the car, driving into the road.

The car ride was silent and Jungkook was dozing off in the backseat. Taehyung watched the snow gracefully fall onto his window. He lifted to touch the glass as the flake melted into it.

"It's pretty cold today, I think it'd be beneficial for all of us if we all cuddled in one bed." The man slurred,half mindlessly. Yoongi snorted as he indicated left.

"Sounds beneficial to only you."

Taehyung turned to look at the man's side profile.

"Fine. At least make me hot chocolate then, you emotionless rock." Taehyung said half bitterly and his friend nodded his head in compliment.

"Hot chocolate it is."

"You know, I wouldn't be surprised if in the next life you do become a rock." Taehyung continued on his talk about rocks.

"That sounds like the dream." Yoongi said, dead serious and Taehyung knew he was being just as so. He went back to staring out his window.

"It's okay. In the next life I'll come back as a Van Gogh and I'll make you sit next to me and watch me paint as we listen to Mozart."

"Wow. Even as a rock you still insist on torturing me." Yoongi teased lightly.

"Yeah well if I don't-"

Taehyung's sentence was cut short by a ripping sound of screeching tyres. A crying horn and flashing lights pierced through that very moment and paralyzed each and every one of them in the vehicle.

A gasp escaped Yoongi's lips as he opened his eyes and sat up straight. He grabbed his left rib,feeling a sudden sting of pain there and a plunging headache, all the same pain he'd felt eight months ago.

The reoccurring nightmare he had always left him feeling the way he did now; pained, panting for air, fatigued and emotionally inferior.

He almost jumped when a comforting hand landed on his shoulder. He glanced back

"You okay?" Yeul asked in concern.

The boy nodded but said nothing, feeling slightly embarrassed as he received strange looks from the passengers seated beside him. He ran his fingers through his hair, wanting to grip at every strand and rip it out. He felt like crying.

He sighed out, falling back into his seat. Yeul watched in silence. He still hadn't answered her question and she had a feeling he wasn't going to. The man parted his lips but then shut them tightly, not being sure if this was the right time to even say anything.

He decided they'd never be a right time.

"A couple months ago," He began, staring into the thin air blankly as if he was reliving the moment in his mind.

"We went out for a couple of drinks, all three of us like we usually did. We got kicked out of the club we were at because Jungkook and...him...Taehyung, they got into some stupid fight." He laughed almost bitterly at the memory. Yeul was shocked. When he'd said the three of them she'd thought of him,Jungkook and Victoria, not this stranger mentioned. However curious she was, she listened patiently. Yoongi continued;

"Taehyung was too drunk to drive and I'd only had a bottle of soju so I figured it best I drive. Everything was fine and then........it wasn't. The truck...I-it came out of nowhere and the road-" He sighed, rubbing his fingers over his forehead. "-it was snowing and it was so slippery and I tried avoiding it but......I woke up and everything was blurry and my rib was cracked and Jungkook was yelling because his legs were stuck and the blood-oh gosh Yeul- there was so much blood....Taehyung's neck snapped, due to the impact which was more on his side, and he died...because of me. And now Jungkook can't walk, also because of me."

The man looked to the ceiling, swallowing the tears that dared to roll down his cheeks. Yeul was already in tears herself, not being sure of what to say but even more so, regretting her moral decision right now. Yoongi sniffed, looking down at his things.

"Sometimes-sometimes I wish I never left that seat and I let him drive. That Jungkook sat on the other side....that the only person to be hurt was me. Not them." He finished off and Yeul rubbed the man's back comfortingly, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her other hand.

"I'm sorry that you've had to go through all of that." Yeul said in between sniffs.

"I shouldn't have brought you here Yoongi." She said, turning her head away in shame and guilt. The man looked up at her, confused before shaking his head.

"No. You were right. Everything about that place reminds of everything that happened that night. Although I don't deserve it, it's a good thing that you're taking me away from that pain." He said and the girl turned to look at him, marveling at the sincere and reassuring look in his eyes. She wanted to do the same for him, reassure him that all that had happened was in fact not his fault but she knew, that wasn't what he wanted to hear.

So they went on the rest of the plane ride in silence, both thinking of ways they'd come to this point in their lives and how it was quite impossible now, to come out.


Authors Note

*Cracks knuckles* Time to make some eyes bleed salted water muahahaha

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