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She was only five years old when her aunt slapped her twice across the face told her she would grow up to be as useless as her mother because she had broken a vase while playing with her ball.

She was only seven, when her mother snapped at her and started screaming at the top of her lungs that she was retarded and incapable of doing even the simplest of things at the Christmas table when she'd tried asking for someone to please pass the salt but couldn't finish her sentence because of her stuttering problem.

She was only twelve when her father came into her room in the middle of the night to beat her all because he was drunk and had found out her mother was cheating.

She was only fifteen when she was left alone with her mother's friend who had forcefully undressed her and done impure things to her fragile body all, not a reason in mind, just cruelty.

She was seventeen when she was told by her own mother that she were to be disowned, because she had told a teacher of the man that had cut her open.

She was eighteen when she had tried jumping off a building for the first time, but failed to do so, all because of fear.

She was only twenty-one when she found out that she had little men living in her body, ruining her from the inside out, because she accepted it, and was grateful for the men who were eating at her life.

Because the world had made it evident she deserved nothing but to suffer the whips and stones of it's nature.

She was twenty-two when she met someone, who for the first time, cared for her without condition, all because he simply did.

She was twenty-two when she first was alive, because she was alive only at twenty-two.

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