Good Times

19 1 15

Yoongi's back dug into the mattress as he stared up at the ceiling, replying every single horrible moment in his life on the white plaster. Every single inferior choice that had led to a catastrophe, every word spoken out of emotion rather than logic.

When emotions begin to overflow, it's easy for one to be swallowed by them, to gallop every single sensible notion the mind may give only to crash into an abyss of lapsed design and stable, consecutive guilt.

In most cases, emotion is at easier grasp than logic and in those cases, it may seem,after sometime, that we should've opted for the latter rather than the former.

Did Yoongi regret the things he'd said to Yeul? Yes, but was he also justifying himself by insisting that he had the right to be upset because she had done even worse? Of course. A sea of emotions at war with the concrete logic.

He stared lamely at the ceiling, feeling both useless but at ease. He didn't enjoy feeling the way he did, no one would. He just wanted to go back home and have all his memories erased of this whole trip and henceforth.

"Well, this is depressing."

A voice sighed making Yoongi freeze. Last time he'd checked, he was alone in the house. His first thought was to slowly grab for his phone and call the police but the familiarity of the voice had made him sit up to see who it was.

Yoongi's jaw dropped as he looked at the figure seated on top of the drawer, swinging his legs back and forth childishly as he looked down at the man. He flashed a smile, his lips taking on a triangular shape as he flicked his eyebrows up teasingly.

"T-T-Taehyung??" Yoongi wasn't sure if what he was seeing was indeed in front of him. He wasn't sure of anything, maybe he was even losing his mind. Everything felt real, and looked real, even Taehyung.

He slowly crawled off the bed, the man watching him quietly, a playful smile on his lips. The man jumped off the drawer, standing still in front of it though as Yoongi approached tentatively. He scanned the man, from his dark hair that fell onto his crescent eyes, the shape of his nose, his square shaped jaw, his thin but full lips, his caramel skin that didn't look pale like a ghost's, he looked exactly like his deceased friend but alive. Even the way he was dressed; the brown loose shirt and tight jeans and overly expensive shoes that looked like he probably got them at a dollar store.

Yoongi paused a few centimeters from the man, staring at him in slight horror. The figure raised a brow at Yoongi, tilting his head to the side before speaking once more, in the same milky deep voice. Yoongi shivered.

"Are you done checking me out? Cause I'd really like a hug right now."

Yoongi didn't hesitate at this, he knew it was his friend indeed. He wrapped his arms around the man's waist, squeezing tightly and he felt flesh, bones, warmth. Tears rolled down his eyes. Taehyung laughed, patting the man's head softly.

"Weirdo." He snickered and Yoongi slightly pulled away from him, to look up at his face, not letting his arms fall from the man's body though.

"How? Why?-"

"I knew you'd ask me that. Let's just come up with something that won't make you completely lose your mind eh? Like..." The man paused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully before snapping his finger in delight.

"Your subconscious disguised as me so you can finally listen to it." Taehyung said in a matter of fact. Yoongi wiped the tears from his cheeks with his sleeve and stepped back from the man to observed him once more. Everything felt way too real for it to be a figment of his mind. Or maybe he wanted to believe it's real.

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