The Dance

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The day was cool, birds chirping unapologetically, the earth moist from the morning's mist. The sky was as pale as the inside of the mind of the feeble young girl seated on a single sofa, staring out the window. Her mind wondered to nowhere, like it usually does. She felt peaceful even though she knew very well that she should've been,quite literally on the edge of earth.

But she wasn't. All that was, and is, the music playing slowly in the background, the birds singing happily along, the clouds coming as one and the presence of someone special in the room.

He watched her quietly, swinging a glass of whiskey in his wrist. Jungkook had warned him not touch his father's alcohol but Mister Jeon would just have to forgive him. Sometimes...sometimes liquids that were created to numb were rather a necessity than a desire.

They had been quiet since morning, not having even muttered a word to each other. Only stolen glances were of relevance.

There was a feeling,shared between the pair although not aware that the other had the same as they did; the coming of an end.

An end was never something we all enjoy, depending on the situation. The end of a long favorite tv series, the end of a book with characters we've gotten attached to, the end of a friendship/relationship, it's never easy to just let it end. Sometimes we reminisce on those moments, replaying the happy days in our heads, sometimes we over analyze and wander into useless thoughts that all posses the beginning of the question "what if?".

What if I was prettier? Would they still have broken up with me?

What if I was funnier? Was she going to be a friend still?

What if we'd met earlier on...

Questions that allow the thought that there could've been hope for a longer temporal entities events,but such questions are useless. "What if's' that are asked in the form of the past are nothing but events that would've never even been given the opportunity to happen, because they didn't. So instead of the "what if's' of our pasts, let's celebrate the "At least I's.'

And end was never enjoyable, but we must let go and we must learn to be strong. Cry, grief, feel emotions, yes. But continue to move.

Carry that weight that has befallen to your shoulders until it's too tired to continue with you on your journey. Move until that dark cloud is outshined by the bright path you have created. Move, but do not forget.

Yoongi didn't want to move, it was hard. He didn't want to but he had to, and he was going to, because letting be sunken into a great onyx abyss was of no help to those he stood still for not to him.

"I love this song." Yeul said, swinging her head that was tucked comfortably under a fluffy white hat side to side along to the rhythm of the song.

Yoongi strode towards her, laying down his glass on the coffee table. His features were one and the same as everyday, but Yeul could see, in his eyes, the slight pain this was causing and for a moment she wanted to disappear. The man stood above her and stuck his hand out towards her.

"Dance with me." He said so low it came out as a weak whisper but audible enough. Yeul stared at him in shock for a while. She let her palm fall on his, letting him pull her up from her seat slightly.

Immediately she was pulled into what felt like a hug. She placed her palms on Yoongi's warm chest, then softly followed by her head, hearing the slow beating of his heart against her ear before she slowly moved her hands to wrap around his neck. Yoongi's hands had already wrapped around her own waist, his chin placed softly on her back,over her shoulder.

They swung slowly together.

Yoongi thought of how nice that very moment felt, like this was supposed to happen, like everything was going to be okay. Some miracle would show itself from the bloom. He felt that way.

Yeul felt nothing but the music, the moving of her feet, the warmth of Yoongi's body. She hummed along to the song, feeling like nothing in the world was wrong. Then she felt her head slightly spin, then her knees buckle then Yoongi holding her back tightly to keep her from falling, then Yoongi's hands slipping from her back as he laid her on the sofa, then Yoongi placing a soft kiss on her forehead, then something wet falling on her head as Yoongi leaned back from her to quickly walk out the door.

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