23rd December

27 5 6

The two sat in the dimly lit room, Yeul shifting uncomfortably ever so often because of the corner of the box that was digging into her rib. She smiled up at Yoongi, trying to look unbothered but the boy who had his arms tightly crossed over his chest knew better.

He scrunched his nose up in disgust at the girl who immediately frowned at this, shifting once more.

"I told you that this space is too small." Yoongi said, referring to the narrow storage room they were in. Yeul opened the round wooden containers of food and spread them out onto the table, placing a pair of chopsticks for them each.

"Well, I'm sorry for trying to be nice to you and bring you lunch." Yeul said bitingly, before putting on that same stupid smile as she looked up at Yoongi.

"Eat up!" She said before digging in herself, not waiting for the male to do so. Yoongi sighed and hesitantly grabbing his chopsticks while looking at Yeul.

She had been coming to the library everyday, and he was starting to suspect that it was just to see him. He wondered why. What was the reason for her to be so kind to him despite his asshole personality towards her specifically. He would,however, admit that he did enjoy the conversations they shared, even though the girl was annoying most of the time.

No, all the time.

"This isn't a date." Yoongi stated as he shoved rice into his mouth, looking at Yeul suspiciously. The girl rolled her eyes, her head slightly tilting her head along.

"Please, I'm not that desperate." She said and the boy across her gasped, very much actually offended.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Wow,I didn't know you could look like anything other disinterested." Yeul laughed at the boy's gaped expression. He immediately closed his mouth and went back to looking the same way, making Yeul laugh even more.

"Okay,okay-I have an idea. Let's play a game-" she said, pulling the container of dumplings to her and Yoongi almost fought her for the food.

"To get to know each other more. One person says three things about themselves, two of which are true and if the other correctly guesses the lie, they get a dumpling."

Yeul finished off and Yoongi wondered why the girl had to try ruining a good lunch with silly games.

"But I love dumplings." He'd said quietly and the girl across him almost died from the cuteness he was radiating right about now. From his mouth full plump cheeks to his soft eyes, she just wanted to pinch his cheeks and tell him he's a good boy, although it was best to keep that to herself since in the world outside her mind, it's classified as weird.

"Well then, you better guess correctly."

Yeul teased before placing the container in the middle of the table, at equal distance between both of them. Yoongi groaned.

"I'll go first, I hate blueberries, I have a pet cat and I don't read thriller books." The last part she had intended on saying just to make it easier for the poor boy.

The first thought that came to Yoongi was that he could easily grab the dumplings and dash out of this room but that would be a dickhead move so he dismayed it before starting to think over the options he was given.

"Uhm, you hate blueberries?" He took a wild guess and to his misfortune, she shook her head.

"I don't have a pet cat."

"I don't like this game." Yoongi grumbled, furrowing his brows.

"Too bad cause you're next." Yeul stuck her tongue out mockingly.

"Fine. Uhm- I have dark hair, my middle name is Beatrice and I don't play musical instrument." Yoongi said, not giving his words a second thought as he stared blankly at Yeul.

"You're not very good at this. You play an instrument?" She quizzed and the boy jumped up in outrage.

"What? How did you know that?" He squeaked involuntary, looking at Yeul up and down. The girl shrugged nonchalantly.

"You would never tell me if you're middle name was Beatrice." She said, popping a dumpling into her mouth.

Shit, Yoongi cursed in his head, she's good.

"Okay, my turn! I'm afraid of the dark, I love tomatoes and my favorite drama is boys over flowers."

"The fear of the dark thing." Yoongi immediately shot. He couldn't be wrong, no adult could possibly be afraid of the dark,right?

"Wrong again!" Yeul laughed, doing a brief victory dance.

"What person your age is afraid of the dark?" Yoongi scowled, starting to think that Yeul had been lying this whole time just so he wouldn't be able to get a dumpling. From the past few days, he'd learnt that she could be very malicious.

"The dark scares the shit out of me. You never know what lays in that bitch. A demon? A serial killer? Surprise! It's Ronald the fucking clown."

Yoongi slightly chuckled at the girl's silliness but his smile immediately fell when he saw Yeul pulling the dumplings closer to her.

"Looks like you really don't want these dumplings Yoongi."

The boy paused, staring blankly at Yeul. The girl was worried for a second, since it looked like he had stopped breathing even.

"Yoongi?" She called out but he didn't even blink. She started panicking, thinking of the worse, that he might've just had a stroke but before she could get up from her seat, the male was already up on his feet, the container of dumplings in his hands. His sneakers squeaked as he sprinted out the room, knocking down a few boxes as he did so.

Yeul watched in shock for a moment, still processing what had just happened and when it finally hit her, she ran after the boy, telling his name in rage.

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