17th December

19 7 1

First Name: Yoo|

"I'm back~"

Yeul sang to her all of a sudden new friend, putting her indie styled bag on his desk and taking out the blue covered book she'd taken home from the previous day.

Yoongi looked up at her from his magazine, curious as to what she had to say about the abomination called Emily by Ellen Rodgers. He selectively closed his magazine and laid his chin on his palm, raising a brow. Yeul was startled at the boy's desire to actually partake in a conversation with her.

"Wow. Uhm-okay. Emily is not that bad of a book." She said, addressing what Yoongi had said previously. Yoongi faked a gasp.

"Oh my, and why not?" He quizzed the girl,knowing very well that the only reason she was disagreeing with him was for the very reason she did;to disagree with him. To try prove a point.

"Emily is a a great book that differs from other science fiction. It shows the flawed system of the government and-" she paused, glancing at the book in her hands before speaking once more.

"And the toiling of a poor teenage girl. It's an emotional rollercoaster and yet a mind opener at the same time." Yeul finished, speaking quite robotically even so. Yoongi bit his lip trying to suppress the laugh that was building up in his throat but he couldn't for long. The man bursted out laughing, letting his hand fall on the counter as he did so.

Yeul frowned.

"W-What? Why are you laughing?" She asked, starting to slightly feel embarrassed. The boy finally raised his head, wiping off a fake tear from his eye. He let slip some laughs as he spoke.

"You just recited the comments found on the book to me." Yoongi laughed, stating something he already knew she knew, which made things even more funnier. Yeul sulked but soon joined in on the laughing. A group of University students who were studying hushed the pair, scowls on their faces.

They went quiet.

"Okay fine. I'm not good at rating books like you. Here you can have it back." She said, shifting the book across the counter. The dark haired boy simply patted the surface of the book and shifted it aside.

"Where's my discount?" Asked she.

"What discount?"

He asked quite seriously and the girl chuckled lightly, looking down at her fingers which were mindlessly fiddling. She looked back up at the boy who seemed to be watching her intently under those dark bangs.

"What's your name?" She knew she shouldn't have asked the question but she couldn't help herself. She had already gotten to close but now that it was out already, she couldn't do much about it.

A name, to him was something to be kept in the dark when it came to people he didn't know. A name was a part of a person, although it didn't define them. He could easily give her a fake name and that will be the end of that, but where would the fun be in that?


First Name: Yoongi|

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