Chapter 2: Present day

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I miss my friends. I wish I knew where they were. As my dad looks around for any walkers I help myself to a piece of bread from the food bag. I here moaning from behind me so I pull out my knife and wait for it to come closer. Once it's close enough I kill it. It's really dangerous because if I get bit or scratched I might die. My dad says it is all clear, and we start to make camp. I take the tops of metal trash cans that we found and poke holes through the top. I then take my string and put the tops of the trash cans on. The point of this is so that if a walker gets close while you are sleeping you can hear the metal trash can lids bang together and kill a walker in time. Before it kills you. I like to call them noise makers. I tie the noise makers to four trees, creating an area that is safe for my family and I. "Kira!" I hear Tiffany yell.
"Yes?" I respond and start walking over to her.
"Look at what I found! It was under a rock! It's so cool! Isn't it?!?!" She says. She found a salamander. My sister is 10, and loves to learn new things.
"Cool..." I say sitting next to her. "...what did you name him?"
"Hmmmmmm, that is a good question. How about Anthony?" She asks me.
" I think that suits him well." I say.
"Can I braid your hair?" She asks me.
"Sure" I respond. As she starts braiding my long blond hair, I sit and wonder how many other people are still out there alive.

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