Chapter 10: Moving Out

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I packed up my things out of my room. I had to admit I was a little up set about leaving. I really liked the house. I grabbed a book off of the shelf to put in my back pack. Incase I get bored. My mom called me from downstairs. She wanted to let me know that we were leaving soon. When we headed out the door. I stopped on the porch and looked around. I'm gonna miss the front yard. It was somewhere I could go outside and not have to bring any weapons. Once we got on the main road we turned left and kept going left. Everyone was silent. It was too quiet. I stopped and looked around. Not a single walker. I turned around and yelled "Come on out!" But nothing came out. Not a walker or human. Everyone else turned around and looked at me with a weird look. I looked back, then we all continued on.

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