Chapter 17: Morgan

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I reach the other side of the river, and we all jump out of the rowboat. I grab my bag and turn around to look at the woods. It's beautiful, then a walker walks out of it and ruins the picture. I sigh and turn to start walking forward. I only had to kill five walkers on the way up the hill, this is going to be fun.
"Katie, Morgan, pull out your knifes and make sure that your guns are ready to use if necessary." I whisper.
"Okay." They say in unison. We all walk out onto the road together and from here we can see the city perfectly. I imagine that it would have looked beautiful before all of this. Walkers are coming out of the fields on the side of the road. I tell Morgan and Katie to run. We all run down the road towards the city. I stop in my tracks. There is a huge group of walkers I front if us. They don't see us, but I see them. I start walking forward and some of them turn and see me. Soon they all start coming.
"Kira? What are you doing?!?!" Morgan says panicking.
"We are going to have to kill them." I say.
"I don't think I can do this." Morgan says.
They come closer and closer. Morgan pulls out her knife, shaking. I do the same thing. Once the walkers get close enough I start killing them. One after another. Katie is to my left killing them, and Morgan to my right. They start surrounding Morgan. She screams. I race over to her. I start shooting them. I can't have her die, she is my friend. Katie will never forgive me, and then she will leave me. Thoughts race through my mind. I find enough room to reach in the group and pull her out. We sprint through the walkers and keep running down the road.
"I ALMOST DIED!!" Morgan yells at me.
"We won't ever do that again, I promise." I tell her.
"WE BETTER NOT!" She yells even louder this time.
"Shhh! You are going to attract more walkers!" I whisper.
"Fine." She says and glares at me. She crosses her arms and looks straight ahead and doesn't say another word.

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