Chapter 7: Glass

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We kept moving forward. After about ten minutes I said...
"We could make camp there"
"Okay." My parents replied and they followed me over. I set up the noise makers while my parents and Tiffany get the blankets, then they soon helped me with the noise makers. My sister sat on the ground because she said her feet felt like they had blisters. After we were done setting up my dad went over to look at my sister's feet. They didn't have blisters but some of the pieces of glass were in her feet. When my dad told her, she went all white. Her feet were really going to be hurting tomorrow so we were either going to stay here or my dad was going to have to carry her. Personally I wanted dad to carry her.
"Tiffany, I am going to have to pull the glass out." My dad said calmly
"Okay, just make it quick please..." She said almost in a whisper.
"Bethany, please get the medical supplies." My dad told my mom.
"Okay, here you go Tom." My mom handed my dad the medical supplies.
"Thanks Bethany."
And after that conversation my dad started cutting glass out of her feet. My sister sometimes yelled, but she knew it would attract walkers so she stopped. That night Tiffany went to sleep, but she kept waking up in the middle of the night in pain. The next morning wasn't any better. Her feet hurt so bad that my dad was leaning toward the idea that it wasn't good to continue to find a house. My mom said that we should continue, so he picked her up and carried her. While Jordan, my mom, and I carried the bags.

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