Chapter 8: Family

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We have been walking for a long time. Tiffany is walking again. Her feet are still sore but she is able to walk. We have been on and off the main road a couple times. I know this area pretty well, I used to live here when I was little. We then moved, but I was always an outside kind of girl. I loved to explore my mama used to say.
"Jordan!" I hear Kira calling my name.
"Can you come up here? I think we are lost." She asks
"Ya, hold on..." I say. I slowly walk up. I usually don't complain, but my feet hurt too.
"We are trying to get to the city." Kira's mom says. "And we are here." She points to a circle in the middle of the map.
"Go North, and just continue going straight." I say.
"Okay, thank you Jordan." She said.
And they get back to walking North. It's a lot of fun being with them. They are like family to me and always have been. I know that if I'm in trouble Kira and her family will be there for me. I know that they won't just leave me. I also know that I wouldn't do that to them.

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