Chapter 15: Found Something

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My family is going to try to get across to that city. I just know it. I need to figure out how to get across.
"Katie?" I ask.
"Ya?" And she steps up beside me. "How are we going to get across the river?" She asks.
"I don't know. Search the area for maybe a fisher's boat." I say.
"Morgan?" I ask.
"Ya?" And she steps up on the other side of me. "I need you to check the area for cabins. There could be food and helpful items that we might need in there."
"Okay." Morgan responds.
They head off together to find items, and a boat. I look down at a locket I am wearing of my family. I open it and say, "I'm going to get across the river. I'm also going to find you. I love you, and I hope you guys and Jordan are okay." I gather sticks to make a fire. I know this is going to be a long night. After about an hour, Katie comes back with nothing. Morgan found some food, and says that there is a cabin we can sleep in tonight. I agree with her idea better than my own. Katie and I follow Morgan down to the cabin. I search the closets for jackets and warmer clothes. I find three. And one of them fits me. I hand them the other two and they choose which one fits them best. They lay on the living room floor and I go to the window and look outside. There is a shed, and it is pretty big. I grab my gun and head on out. I open the door, and it opens with a creaking noise. Then it falls of the hinges. I look inside not only to find a fishing rod, but a boat and ores. I run back to the house and wake up Katie and Morgan. They come outside with me and look at what I have found. We agree that it would be best to wait until morning to leave the cabin. We all head back in and sleep the rest of the night.

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