Chapter 12: A Night In A Food Store

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I don't need to put the noise makers up because we are in the food store. As I'm walking around the store, I notice a whole isle of canned food. I find something that looks appealing and bring five of the back to the group. I give out the canned vegetables and them I each give them a hammer. From the hardware store. After we are done eating we all fall asleep. I'm having the same dream again. The world is normal, no walkers. I'm at school, and during math there is a power outage. Everyone starts screaming and panicking. Jordan is sitting in a desk next to me. All of a sudden the TV comes on and everyone goes quiet. It's the news broadcast about the disease going around. Once again the room is filled with screams. I look out the window and a huge group of walkers are coming our way. In that group I find my parents and sister. They brake through the window and start piling inside. I try and run to the door but walkers start coming that way too. I'm trapped. They surround me. At that point I'm sitting up in my bed full of sweat. I take my hammer and head outside. It's fall so the air is nice and cool. Tomorrow we better start on the way to the city again, if we want to make it to the city before winter. I head back inside and everyone is still sleeping. I lay back down and fall back asleep.

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