Millionaires Little Maid - Introduction and Chapter One:

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The pic above is NOT the mansion. I repeat, is NOT the mansion. I put the pic above because you can see the size of it. The mansion in this book is the same size and I wanted you to have that idea.


This is mostly my imagination. I have got this idea from some titles that I have skimmed through. Such as 'The Billionaire's Maid'. But be sure, that I have not read any books that I skimmed through. Just looked at the titles.


"Scarlett!" My name is being yelled from across the empty mansion that is owned by the one and only Alessandro Anderson, one of the top billionaires in New York and world. A small silent sigh escapes my lips as I turned to see an angry billionaire. "Yes sir?" I asked him as politely as possible with a soft smile.


Scarlett Jones is a girl with very little temper and a big heart. She would do anything to keep her family going, one reason she works for Alessandro Anderson. He pays her well, and she gives that money to her parents medical bill. Alessandro knows nothing about this, no one really does. Scarlett likes to keep to herself and is very closed off. But Alessandro is trying to break down those walls, with every intension to know who she really is. He's been pushing her to the limits, raising her pay a little for doing more. He eventually gets irritated and a new idea has formed in his mind that just might work. But if not, there's a back up plan.


Chapter 1: The Note

"Scarlett!" My name is being yelled from across the empty mansion that is owned by the one and only Alessandro Anderson, one of the top billionaires in New York and world. A small silent sigh escapes my lips as I turned to see an angry billionaire. "Yes sir?" I asked him as politely as possible with a soft smile. His dark hair is combed almost in a perfect messy style, his dark emerald eyes are staring at me with such irritation and anger. "Where are all of the groceries!?" He snapped. I just smiled. "Already put away sir." I answered in the sweetest tone I could muster, trying not to upset him more. He gave a confused expression almost immediately. "Wait seriously?" He asked, his dark pointed brow going up slightly. I nodded in response. "Yes sir. I did the shopping yesterday." I answered as he just watched me. His emerald eyes seemed to get a little brighter. "Is there anything else I can do for you sire?" I ask politely as I turn around to finish cleaning the black and white marble counter tops in the large kitchen. Grabbing the white rag that has a slightly tint of grey to it from little bits of dust. I grab the bottle of ever green spray and move to the other side. "Yes, actually. I want you to go grab your stuff from home, you'll be staying with me." Alessandro answered, straitening as I sprayed the counter top. I did my best to master my surprise and shock as I look at him. "What for?" I asked, placing the rag on the counter, slowly making a circular rotation, attempting to clean little sections. "I want you to become my personal assistant. You'd get a rather big raise." Alessandro says. I look back at the counter, adding a little more pressure on the counter to get rid of any invisible dust particles. "How big of a raise?" I asked, glancing at him. "Well, your making 20 dollars an hour now. You'll be making 35 if you take the job." Alessandro answered, his eyes watching my every move. My eye's widened in shock. Holly mother of god.... that's a lot of money. I could definitely pay off the medical bill with that. Alessandro's pink, thin lips turn into a smirk. "That's what?? 2, 625 dollars every 13 hours per day, in a week? You might be a billionaire yourself." Alessandro shrugged.

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