EchoTale Sans X Neko Frisk - Chapter Three: Sudden Feeling?

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          (So I'm going to add music to every chapter, some could be related, some are random, be warned though, I am mostly a pop person, there are a few classic rocks, and county, but mostly pop. And I am sorry for the late update, the school has started and I've been getting ready for a while. Talking about school, I want to know your opinions on school and what grade you're in! Let me know and I will also answer those two questions! Love you all!)


          I walk into Frisk's room, turning the light on. "Get up, paps made breakfast," I ordered as she rolled over to block the sudden light. I walk out and close the door. I'll check on her in half an hour. I walk down the stairs and past the living room. I go to the small kitchen we had, Paps cooking the only thing he seems to know, spaghetti. "BROTHER!? IS THE NEKO UP!?" Paps asked. "She should be down here soon," I answered, sitting down at the table. "WELL, LETS HOPE SHE LIKES SPAGHETTI!!!" Paps smiled cheerfully. "I'm surprised she came back," I mumbled to myself. Why did she come back? Could she have been separated? Lost? Maybe they left? Or maybe she really did just come back for her armor? The questions wandered but were soon interrupted when a plate of spaghetti was plopped in front of me. "Do you think the Neko's scared?" Paps asked in a worried voice. "Why would she be scared?" I asked back, looking at him. 

          "The Neko is in monster territory, monsters and humans are up against humans, unlike us, humans have started to accept monsters." Paps eyes grew soft and sad as he spoke. Realization hit me as he explained his worry. I looked down in the same worry Paps had. "I donno..." I answered softly. Humans have started to accept us, but, no ones ever started to accept Neko kind. No ones accepted Neko kind, if I was in a place that I'm being wanted killed by every creature there, I don't know what I would have done. Frisk don't even know what we could do to protect herself enough. All monsters are different, but, I'm the one that she keeps talking to, I think she already knows Paps wouldn't hurt her. He did bring her here after all. I sighed, knowing Frisk gave all information I needed for me to kill her. Let alone Chara, who knows what Chara's yelling at her for. Probably everything she gave me. She pretty much just gave her to me, giving any information I ask, other than home information so far. 

          Yet I give none, what am I thinking!? She's a Neko! Neko's are our worse enemies, why would I care!? Why do I care? Did she put some spell on me? I don't remember any magic from her. "Why did you bring her home? Sorry it's blunt." I asked, waving off the fact I changed the subject. "She was scared, Strike found her, she was begging him to stop, she kept apologizing, saying she was in the wrong territory by accident. Strike was going to kill her because she made a simple mistake, it's like killing someone for getting a math problem wrong. I couldn't let that happen." Papy had tears in his eyes, trying to hold them back. I watched as he looked down at his plate. I did the same, not wanting him to go back on to many bad memories. "You and I both know how that is, we should go check on her." I stood up, as Paps nodded. He stood up and followed me as I walked up to the room she fell asleep in. I knocked on the door, slowly opening it afterwards. Frisk was up, staring at me and Paps. "Neko? Are you okay?" Papa asked worriedly. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Frisk asked with a smile plastered on her face. "You sure?" I watched her, studying every move, making sure she was telling the truth. 

          "Yeah." She repeated, her eyes looked away for a second. "Do Neko's look away when they lie?" I asked, leaning against the door frame. Frisk stiffened, her eyes shooting at mine. I smirked, taking that as a yes. "N-No!" Frisk looked away again, turning her back and looking out the window so I couldn't see. My smirk grew I saw a few glances coming my way every once in a while. "I don't think that's helping." Paps crossed his arms, watching me. I nodded in agreement, I pushed myself off and walked up to her. "You can talk to us, we're not gonna hurt ya'." I said as I walked up to her. I saw her body physically relax, not so sure on mentally though. "AGREED! I SHALL NOT LET ANY MONSTER OR CREATURE HURT YOU OR ANY FRIENDS THAT COME BY!!" Paps smiled at himself happily. I hear a small giggle come from Frisk, causing me to smile as well. "Thanks Papyrus." Frisk whispered, as I see a tear drop fall from her cheek causing game to become confused. Is she relieved that we won't hurt her? That she's safe? Did something happen when she came back? Did they leave? Did something happen in the past? So many questions filled my head, and for some reason, I felt the strongest urge to ask them. 

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