HorrorTale X Reader - Chapter One: Mission

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This is another HorrorTale Sans X Reader.

"Who's there!?" I hear a gruff voice behind me. "Got to hide." I mumble to myself as I run past a tree, into the woods. A bloody axe flies infront of me, causing me to stop. "You can't hide." I hear the voice say as I smirk.

My name is (Y/n). I am a creation made by my father. Though he seems to like to hurt me. But I have no choice. I owe him my life for having me here. So I do what's told. One day I was told to bring a guy named Sans to him. He said he had some unfinished business with him. But to not hurt him, sense he only had one HP. Sounds like a weakling. One HP? I can handle this.


I walk down the cold icy path as I start to freeze. Short skeleton, only one HP.... has a hole in his head, sharp claws... and has a tall skeleton brother. I repeat as I look around. I large stick is in the middle of the path. It was about a foot wide and a yard long. So I stepped on it, causing it to crack a little and jump off like it was the second to last stair of the stair way. "Who's there!?" I hear a gruff voice behind me. "Got to hide." I mumble to myself as I run past a tree, into the woods. A bloody axe flies infront of me, causing me to stop. "You can't hide." I hear the voice say as I smirk. "Is that so?" I ask as the axe was pulled back by a chain. I turn around to see a short skeleton, sharp claws, and a hole in his skull. Just the guy I'm looking for. I think to myself. "Who are you?" He growled, ignoring my question. "(Y/n), that's my name." I answer. "I'm assuming your Sans?" I added. His grip on the axe tightened. "So you've heard of me." Sans asked. "You think?" I raise a brow. Sans sighed, putting his axe down against a tree. "Is there a reason your here?" Sans asked. I nodded in response. "So What do ya want? A hot dog?" Sans asked with a smirk. "I'm not here to eat food." I answered as I glanced at his axe. "And by the look of it you kill anyone trying to get food." I stated, still looking at the blood stains. "Look kid. I don't like being observed so if you could just tell me what you want and go." Sans growled. "My father wants to see you. He says he has some business." I answered. "Who's your dad?" Sans asked. "Do you not speak to each other anymore?" I ask, tilting my head. "The only people I talk to are in person. And as far as I know they didn't have any kid." Sans shrugged. I hummed. "Well guess you'll finally meet him!" I smile. "I don't think so. If he wants to talk, he has to come here." Sans right eye flamed. "Look Sans, I don't have time for this. I make him wait to long and others will be punished. So let's move." I growl as my eye turned (S/c) and a soft flame started up. "Who's your mom?" Sans asked. "I don't have a mom. I was an experiment my father created. He said that you knew him." I said. Sans eyes went dark. "Told me that you need to come unharmed. Something about unfinished business." I added. Sans eye glowed even more as a bunch of bones were summoned. "I'm not going back." Sans growled harshly. "But what about the others!? Sans please. For their sake!" I begged. "For who's sake!? Who is worthy of me going back to that bastard!?" Sans yelled at me. 1 second.... 3 seconds...... 8 seconds...... 15 seconds.... 20 seconds...... 30 seconds..... 55 seconds..... a full minute has passed. My eye has been calmed down and I repeat the words that he has said. "You will come without a fight Sans." I growled as flashes of my only friend being hurt and killed by my father and I can't do anything about it. "Like hell I am." Sans answered. I couldn't control my anger, I couldn't control one of the things that my father gave me. Black... pitch black wings grew from my back. "I'm not going to let her die. I don't care if you escape afterwards. I don't care what you say to him or what you do. But my friend will not be harmed because your to selfish to care. Because your to selfish to see that others struggle and have bad times." I say. My voice... it has changed. It was dark... it was scary..... intimidating. My eye's widened at my own voice as Sans stared at me. I hold my throat. "Let me guess. Dr. Bastard didn't tell you anything about what he put in you." Sans stated. I glared at him, anger faintly in my eyes. Sans sighed. "It's a friend huh." Sans looked to the side. My wings folded against my back. "I'm not going to let her die." I say as the anger slowly came back to me. Sans seemed to shut me out, ignoring me. Anger arose as I walked over to him. I grabbed his wrist and started dragging him but his wrist fell off of his arm. "How much time do you have?" Sans asked, scratching the hole in his skull. "3 days." I Answer. "And how long does it take to get there?" Sans asked. "About three days. I left four days ago." I answer. "So you have three days left?" Sans asked. I nodded. "Damb it." Sans growled. "What?" I ask. "Paps is going to kill me." Sans answered. "What does your brother have to do with this?" I ask. "Wait are you actually going to help!?" I smile. "I don't help often... but... I can't imagine Paps getting hurt again. I'd do the same thing. But the problem is... if Paps hears that I'm leaving to go to him......... he's going to want to come." Sans continues to scratch his head. "Because he's your brother." I said. Sans shook his head. I gave him a questioning look. "Because one I only have one HP." Sans mumbled. "And one defense." I smile proudly. Sans glared at me with a small growl. "Two he thinks he can change him to a normal human. He wants to be normal, but seeing that you have wings. I'm assuming he hasn't gotten far." Sans said. "Well...." I look at the wings that were summoned from my back. "We can lie." I suggest. Sans eye flamed. "Okay! Okay! Sorry!" I put my hands up in defnese. "Don't ever say that again." Sans growled. I nodded quickly. "We need an escape plan." Sans changed the subject. "Okay... my friend knows the place on the back of her hand so that will help." I smile. Sans nodded, starting got pace. "But... I'm afraid we have to leave soon." I say. Sans grabbed his axe and started walking.... not down the path. But up the path. "That's the wrong way!" I call. "I'm going to Grillbz. If your coming you have to keep up!" Sans said as he continued to walk. I let out irritated growl as I fly next to him. My landing almost caused me to loose my balance, but I regained it luckily. We kept walking until we came to a bridge... I bridge in bad shape... this thing needs help. Sans threw his axe across and teleported to the other side. Why would he throw his axe just to teleport!? That's when I realized he was gone. "Damb it." I sigh as I walk across the bridge. Half of it has already fallen off but pratically every board I stepped on fell into the current. I just gave up and flew to the other side. I started to walk around until I came to a sign that said 'Grillby's' so I walked in and Sans was sitting at a bar counter. Everyone stared at me. "What are you all looking at!?" I snap. They all go back to what they were originally doing, only hearing a couple whispers here and there about me. I walk up to Sans and stare at him. "What do you want?" He asks and the whole bar went silent. "You know what's going on Sans!" I growl. Sans sighed. "So this must be her. Everyone the place is closed. Leave before I burn you all." A man made of white fire and red eyes announces and everyone groans and leaves. I look around confused as I notice Sans hasn't moved. "So you are another creation of Gaster." The Fire man says. "My father is known as Dr. Gaster.... DR. Gaster Thankyou." I growl. "Father huh?" The man asks. "He has her under that stupid mind control." Sans growled. "What!? My dad is not some control freak!" I snap again. They both look at me like 'Really?' "Probably has some sort of camera on her to." The white fire man said. "Don't make me break your arm bud." I growl. Sans stands up, glaring st me. "As for you. We need to go or their all dead." I say. I turn my head and quickly start to walk away. "Your stressed." The white fire man says. I freeze in my steps. Katie... I think as I slowly turn to him. "That's why your mad. You do think Gaster is a control freak and you do agree that he's mad. But your stressed and some thought is causing you to wish otherwise, making yourself believe otherwise." The Fire man said. Sans had his bones out and head floating around. My head skipped a beat when all I heard was Katie screaming for help in a room I couldn't see. Screaming for me to help her but I couldn't do anything. I was weak. And that weakness caused me to loose one friend. And three years later a new friend came into my life and I'm not going to let her go through the same fate. "Let's go." I say in a soft voice as I walk away. The door is blocked by bloody bones coming from the floor. I stop and stare at the bones. "What's her name kid?" Sans asked. I tilted my head towards him. "Which one?" I ask. "The one that died." Sans clarrified. "He can be observant and might turn you biggest weakness against you. You can do it the easy way.... or the hard way... just get him here." I hear Gaster's voice echo through my head. I look back at the bones. "Katie." I answer. "Anyone else that you were close get killed?" Sans asked.

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