EchoTale Sans X Neko Frisk - Chapter Four: Obsession

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(Internets back on YAY!!!)

Sans's POV

It's morning and the damb sun won't leave me alone. I open my eyes slowly, groaning as I block the light with my hand. I sit up, slowly and painfully. My neck is still injured and weak. I put my hand up to my head, trying to get the tiredness out of my system. Wich usually never works, but it's worth a try every time. I hear a soft groan from behind me and I turn around to see what it was. Frisk layed there, her wings spread across the bed and her arms stretched above her head. Her tail was wrapped around the blanket, as her ears were up. A blush came rushing to my cheeks as I realized that 1 I slept with her, 2 I was staring at her, and 3 Undyne, Alphas, Metatton, AND Paps knows I slept with her!! She groaned again, turning to her other side, causing me to look away in case she saw my face. Before anything else I hear yelling downstairs. "HE FELL IN LIVE WITH A NEKO ALPHAS!!" Undyne was still here! God dambit there going to wake her up! I teleported out to the living room and they all froze when they saw me. Pap, Undyne, and Alphas smiled. "So tell me-" Metatton smirked. "Wake her and your all dead." I growled lowly. Pap nodded happily and before anyone else could say anything I teleported back to my room. I hear stomping up the stairs and my door flew open. "What the hell!?" I exclaimed, seeing Undyne and Metatton at the doorway. "So you do love her?!" Undyne said more as a fact tone. "For god sake how the hell am I supposed to know!" I growled. "Know what?" Frisk asked, standing behind Undyne and Metatton. We all froze, and by froze, I mean I went into a rage mode. I know they don't care weather she's there or not, but they froze because they know they woke her up. "Sans... darling.... calm down." Metatton pleased. My eye flamed up, from Frisks point of view that is bad news. "D-Darling!?" Frisk asked, looking at me, then at Metatton. "She calls everyone that, don't worry about it!" Alphas smiled. Okay, if Alphas can get her to calm down I'll let her live. For the other two.... "She does?" Frisk asked. My eye faded and I started laughing. Frisk was so confused, Undyne joined me and Alphas did a small giggle, trying to keep composure. "Was it something I said?" Frisk asked. Metatton groaned and crossed his arms. Paps came up the stairs and didn't know what was going on so asking about what was so funny made us all laugh. "It's true Metatton..." I laughed. "HEY!" Metatton yelled. "You wear pink! How can a stranger not think your female!" I pointed out. "IT'S A MALE!!! OH MY GOD I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY!!!" Frisk started panicking and it made us all laugh harder. Frisk was to cute when she panicked that I just couldn't help but blush as well. I don't know what is wrong with me but I ended up on the floor. Paps laughed, clicking into the laughter, then laughing harder because I fell off my bed. Even Metatton and Frisk started to laugh. It was a very enjoyable moment for Paps, Undyne, Alphas, and I's just for the start of the story. Frisk and Metatton didn't like that part so much I can tell. But the fact I fell, and then Undyne fell, and then Alphas and Paps, eventually we were all on the floor crying. Undyne being as strong as she is, laughter alwase brought her down. When we all calmed down to the point we could breath and walk. I walked out my room and smiled at Metatton. "Have fun with that story Metatton." I smirked as Inwalked down the stairs. "I'm sorry!!!" Frisk exclaimed. "It's alright darling, I had it coming eventually." Metatton chuckled. "SANS WE NEED TO TALK!" Metatton and Undyne yelled. "WHAT DID U SAY ABOUT IT!!! IT TAKES TIME!!!" Alphas yelled angerly, as Paps just watched. "I'm off to Grillby's Paps, I'll be him before dinner." I waved as I walked out the door, leaving Frisk with all their questions. "OKAY BROTHER!!" Paps called before I shut the door and walked to Grillby's. When I walked in as alwase people stopped and stared, once I took my seat everyone went back to talking. "I hear Sans fell in love." Someone whispered, I practically walked out the place then and there. "Really!? Any one know who the lucky girl is!?" The other asked excitedly. "No one knows, heck, it could be that rabbit from the inn." I looked over to see the two monsters who were talking. It was Lesser Dog and Greater Dog. I was kinda surprised, I didn't think those two talked. I mean, they barked, but... talking? Oh well. "You think they would be together? I mean... Donny you think it should be another skeleton?" Lesser Dog asked. "We all know Papyrus and Sans are the only skeletons here Lesser." Greater Dog stated. "But a Rabbit and a Skeleton?" Lesser Dog asked. "You never know." Greater Dog shrugged. Grillbz walked out and walked over to me. "Everyone's talking about it." Grillby informed. "You'd think it wouldn't be a big deal." I answered. "So who is it?" Grillby asked, looking at me. "Do you know who started the rumour?" I asked. Grillby narrowed his eyes. "You didn't answer my question." Grillby stated. "Who said the rumour was true?" I rose a brow. "Is it?" Grillby asked. I growled under my breath. "So who is it?" Grillby continued. The door opened and closed, Grillby looked confused and looked at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "Just... she never comes here." Grillby mumbled. "Who?" I asked. "The monster who walked in." Grillby answered. "Mmmk?" I asked. "Your not going to look are you?" Grillby asked. "Nope, I don't need to see anyone that don't come here." I answered. "Same thing?" Grillby asked. "You know it!" I smiled. Grillby looked past me then walked into the kitchen. The chair next to me squeaked, me, choosing to ignore it, decided to wait for Grillbz and lift up my eye. I liked playing with my magic, it alwase seemed to entertain me. The golden glow surrounded my fingers and I started waving my fingers around in slow movements. I didn't like bringing attention to myself when it came to magic so I don't do it often. "Sans?" The monster next to me asked. "What?" I asked, continuing to play with my magic. "You seem... upset." She stated. I looked over to see Muffet there. "Do I? I didn't notice." I looked back at my hand, the gold aura alwase conforted me when I had something on my mind. The door opened again and everyone went dead silent. "Sans we need to talk." Chara growled. I rolled my eyes, turning my seat so I was facing her. "Umm... okay? I'll be out in a minute." I answered. "Please! Now!" Chara continued. For what Frisk explained her as, she didn't say please often. "Alright alright." I sighed, getting up and walking over to her, she walked outside, so I had to walk a little further. "What's up?" I asked, turning to her once I was out the building. Chara grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the view from the door. "What are you planning!?" Chara growled. "Planning? Uh... I'm planning on getting my order." I answered, hinting to the building she dragged me out of. "Frisk wise Sans." Chara clarified, annoyance in her voice. "I'm afraid I don't understand." I gave her a confused look. "When's the first date!? You already kissed her at least twice!" Chara whispered. My eye's went black. "What-? Why would I be-?" I couldn't talk now, Frisk alwase got to me, even the mention of her name. "Wait? Aren't' you supiste to be with Frisk?" I asked. "I can wonder off! I just have to be back within a sertain amount of time. Now... back to topic." Frisk pulled up her finger. I rolled my eyes. "Do you not like her?" Chara asked. I growled, I got so defensive when people said that, when Frisk says it, it just hurts. "Then what's the problem!? It's obvious you two love each other!" Chara whispered again. "Chara it's not that simple!" I said, rubbing the bridge of my nose with one hand. "It takes time." I added, putting my hand down. "So you are?" Chara asked. "Maybe! I haven't thought that far yet geez! It's like I have the hole world on me." I growled. "Okay, just wanted to make sure. And it's a yes or no." Chara just wanted a flat out answer. "Chara, I'll do it some time, I just don't know when. It could be a year from now, maybe ten! I don't know!" I growled. "Okay okay... my bad! Just don't let her down. She loves you... don't tell her I said that! But! My point still stands, now go get whatever you were getting before I push you anymore." Chara waved her hand. "You act just like a teenager you know that?" I asked as I walked back into the buolding, sitting back down. "So?" Grillby asked, handing me the bottles. "What?" I asked. "What was that about? Who is that?" Muffet asked. "Ugh." I rolled my eyes, taking a drink from the bottle. "Seriously Sans... who is the girl?" Grillby asked. "Your not seriously going to push it on me are you? Cuz' I see water everywhere." I threatened. "You know I hate that." Grillby growled. "And you know Inhate being questioned." I shrugged. "Alright fine, I can talk to you later. When your alone." Grillby gestured to Muffet. Muffet sighed and got up, walking away. "So..." Grillby smirked. "I want to know who started this." I growled. "The same girl you had a chat with just now. Now answer my question." Grillby answered. "What?" I growled. "Question Sans." Grillby started to whipe the counter. "You can't tell anyone!" I pointed a finger at him. "You know I can keep a secret." Grillby smiled. I sighed, rubbing my head. "I think it's Frisk." I said. "The girl you brought in yesterday?" Grillby asked. I nodded slowly. "I ship it." Grillby smirked. I shot my head up, a gold glow surrounding the bucket of water he had to clean the counter. "Okay okay! Calm down!" Grillby put his hands up in defnese instantly. The glow faded and I looked away. "Need help?" Grillby asked. "With Frisk... yeah...... Chara wants me to ask her out." I growled. Grillby nodded in understandment. "GRILLBY!!" Lesser Dog called. Grillby looked at them. "DO YOU KNOW WHO THE GIRL IS YET!?" Lesser Dog alwase seemed to yell when she was trying to get information. I shot a glare at him. "I do." Grillby answered, grabbing a cup and drying it. The bucket instantly had a yellow glow around it. "OOOO!!!! WHO!?" Greater Dog yelled. "Can't say. Forgot her name." Grillby shrugged. "SANS PUT THE BUCKET DOWN!!!" Everyone yelled. I growled lowly. "I still wouldn't tell." Grillby stated, my eye's widened with shock, the gold fading a little from the bucket. "You alwase tell when under pressure." I stated. "So? This is important to you. Have I told anything that important to you?" Grillby asked. I looked down, thinking of the times I told him about Gaster, the Neko who almost killed Paps, the few crushes I had on others, the experiments, everything. He never spilled any of it when under pressure. I put the bucket down, keeping to myself. Grillby was my best friend here, I was still suprized. "The good side about keeping a secret is knowing." Grillby whispered to me before walking into the kitchen to put the cup away. I let out a silent breath of relief. "So... I suggest you make sure she's comfortable with it. And from there, you'll be okay." Grillby whispered to me when he returned. "Thanks Grillbz..." I smiled. "She makes you happy, next time she comes in, it's on the house." Grillby winked at me and I almost growled, I shook my head in disaproval. "Besides, I can have another story buddy." Grillby smirked. I growled lowly, I hated the stories he would tell when I brought someone. I was suprized that he didn't say anything last time. It didn't matter if it was a friend or my brother, he always would and it pissed me off. "Grillby!!!" I growled. He started to walk away like he was instant. I stood up and walked over and into the kitchen. Grillby laughed when I stormed theough the door. "GRILLBY!" I yelled as I stormed into his now locked door. I banged on the door sense I couldn't get in. "Go to her Sans." Grillby called back from inside. I growled and teleported inside. "Well thanks for dropping in." Grillby smiled. I dumped another water bucket on him. "SERIOUSLY!!?" Grillby yelled. "I had this coming..." Grillby added. I smirked. "Go, she needs you." Grillby waved me off. "Mind getting Metatton and Undyne off my back?" I asked. Grillby nodded, "IF! You help me get dry." Grillby smiled. I nodded, a golden glow surrounded him and when if faded him and his clothes were dry. I put the water that it gathered back in the bucket, I also dried the carpet that was all wet. "Okay. I'll be there after my lunch." Grillby said. I nodded and teleported him home. Frisk was surrounded by Undyne, Metatton, Alphas, and Paps. Frisk was bright red and her wings were clinched to her back and shoulders. "Okay break it up! There's no need to yell at her geezus." I rolled my eyes. "BROTHER!!! YOU WON'T BELIVE IT!!! I HAVE AN OTP!!" Paps smiled proudly. My eye's went dark and the other three's eyes went wide. "Paps?" I asked, I was terrified. "I JUST NEED A NAME FOR IT!!" Paps continued. Frisk looked at me with a 'yep... it's that.' kind of look. "You know what? I'm..... gonna go take care of something." I started. "NO WAY!" Undyne grabbed my arm and I glared at her. "I HAVE QUESTIONS!!" Undyne yelled. I gulped and she pulled me out the door. Once we were out the door, I pulled back causing Undyne to stop. "Were are we going!?" I asked. "My place!" Undyne reached for me again but I pulled away. "Right here is fine." I stated. "Fine, give me answers! Do you love Frisk?" Undyne asked. I looked at the time. Oh... I must have left at Grillbz lunchtime. Oh well, that just means he should be here soon. "Do I have to answer that in this current period of time?" I asked. "Yes!" Undyne exclaimed. "He don't know." Grillby answered for me, walking up to us. "What does that mean!? It's a yes or no!" Undyne said. "It is a scientific fact that love takes longer to realize and know for a fact. Remind me how long he's known her. It could take years before he realizes Undyne. If Frisk is the one he loves." Grillby clarified. "I WANNA KNOW NOW!!!" Undyne shook me. "Well, do you love Alphas?" Grillby asked, causing both of us to smirk. "Ummm...." Undyne answered. "Exactly, it takes time." Grillby smiled. Undyne let go. "FINE! But once you know, you HAVE to tell me!" Undyne pointed at me. I put my hands up in defense. "PROMISE ME!" Undyne yelled. "Alright I promise!" I said. Undyne stormed off to her home. I looked at Grillby. "You alwase show up at the right time." I smiled. "Well when you left it WAS my lunch time. And you know how fast I eat." Grillby shrugged. I nodded in response. "C'mon, let's go save that girl if yours." Grillby smirked as he walked up to the door. "Grillby..." I wanted, Grillby chuckled in response and walked in. I chased after him as he walked into the living room, seeing Paps, Alphas, and Metatton. "You wanted me to get just those two off?" Grillby asked. I narrowed my eyes at him. "I can reason with Alphas." I answered. Grillby nodded, "Alright! Metatton out." Grillby walked behind him looked at Frisk and Paps. Frisk was passed out on the couch and Paps just stood there, trying to figure something out. I chose to let Paps be and I walked over to Frisk, picking her up and walking up stairs to bring her to her room. Grillby kept talking to Metatton and I could have sworn Metatton just got embarrassed. Once I got her settled and covered I walked back downstairs. "Fine... you win." Metatton sighed and walked out. "Thanks Grillbz." I smiled as I walked down the stairs. "Don't thank me, thank Paps here, he was the one who actually convinced him." Grillby shrugged. "Thanks Paps." I smiled. "Brother!? Are you going to be okay!? With all the pressure!?" Paps asked. "Yeah, I've been through worse." I shrugged. Grillby's smile turned to a frown. "You know, you should forget about him." Grillby said. Paps nodded in agreement. "Kinda hard to do when I look like his isn't it?" I asked. Paps nodded to that one to. "You should still try. Frisk wouldn't want to see you depressed." I froze when Grillby brought up Frisk. "Donnie your useig her against me!?" I asked. "Only if I need to." Grillby's smile slowly returned. "I got to get back to work you two, I'll see you later Sans. Make sure to bring Frisk along next time." Grillby smirked and walked out the door. "WE SHOHLD TAKE THE NEKO SHOPPING!!" Paps smiled happily. "For what?" I asked. "FOR A DATE OR SOMETHING!!! SHE'S BEEN IN THOSE CLOTHES FOR A WHILE NOW!!!" Paps answered. I sighed and nodded, causing Paps to get excited and rush to his room to get ready. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels. After maybe 7 hours Frisk finally woke up and crawled out of the room. Paps came out maybe a hour, but then kept going in, thinking it wasn't the right outfit. Eventually he just stayed in his room and tried on different outfits until he gave up and wore the same thing he put on this morning. "NEKO!! WE ARE GOING TO GO SHOPPING!!!" Paps yelled happily. "Shopping? For what?" Frisk asked, rubbing her eye. "NOT FOR WHAT SILLY!!! FOR YOU!!!" Paps grabbed Frisk's arm and started pulling her out the door. I smiled and shook my head, walking out and following them. Papyrus kept yelling at me to hurry up but I think we all knew that I wasn't running. When we finally reached the shop Paps ran around, looking for clothes for Frisk to try on. "Uh... were am I?" Frisk asked. I laughed at her question. "Your at a shop. Pap wanted to get you some clothes." I answered. "Oh... wait he didn't have to do that!" Frisk exclaimed. Paps came up to us and handed Frisk a pile of clothes. "DO YOU LIKE ANY OF THE STYLES!?" Paps asked. Frisk looked at them, liking a few things and before she could say anything Paps dragged her into the changing room. Frisk must have gave him her clothes size because every outfit fit her. She picked out a few dresses, one didn't even have sleeves but that was up to her. After Paps was done we headed. back home. After that... we'll... Paps made dinner. We spent like 5 hours at the shop! How much time do you need to go shopping!!!? I, instead of eating dinner, just went to bed. I opened the door and walked in, shouting the door behind me. I layed on my bed, and to be honest... it felt lonely... really, lonely. I tried to go to sleep and usually it wouldn't take long. And it didn't...ish. When I finally fell asleep I was in a dark room. A room I knew all to far well. The lazed on one corner of the room, a desk behind it. (Again, Handplates.) There was a small lift in the middle of the room and a doorway to my right. I wandered around to the doorway and turned the only way I could, left. The hallway lead to at least a hundred lazer cells. Different creatures in each one, bunnies, cats, dogs, snakes, deer, elk, bears, wolves, butterfly's, ladybugs, caterpillars, Beatles, even a human, a monster and a Neko. I stopped at the Neko cage, noticing the Neko was male, there where at least two in each cage so far until up to here. The Neko was alone and I can imagine that it's scared. He looked at me and stood up. "S-Sir!" He saluted. I looked behind me, all around, but Gaster was no were in sight. He must think I'm Gaster. "What's your name?" I asked. He gave me a confused look but put his hand down. "B-Brendan sir!" He answered. "What does Gaster call you?" I asked, he gave me another confused look. "B-43." He answered hesitantly. "I see... shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked. Brendan shrugged. "It's kinda hard to sleep in this place... your not W. D. Gaster, are you?" Brendan asked. I shook my head. Brendan walked up to the lazer, to get a better look at me. I looked at the hand scanner that were alwase near the cell opening. I looked at my hand, the circle... is the same size and shap as Gasters... and we both have the same hand gestures. "I wonder..." I mumbled. "I wouldn't do that-" I growled, interrupting Gaster. "You want to explain? Before I kill you here and now?" I asked. "As I said... I need another Neko." Gaster walked up to the cell. "Sir!" Brendan saluted again. "Why aren't you asleep!?" Gaster growled. Brendan froze, trying to think of a reason. "You try and sleep in one. It's harder than it seems. In fact, I'd love to see you try." I smirked. "You did, I'm sure he can." Gaster stated. "Your a experiment? How did you get out!?" Brendan asked. "I escaped." I answered. "Hmm..." Gaster hummed. "Why am I here? Why are you showing me this Gaster?" I asked, getting impatient. "To show you this." Gaster answered, his magical hands surrounding me. "What you going to kill me in my sleep?" I asked confused. "I could." Gaster smirked. "I'd like to see you try." I challenged. "But if I fall asleep when your asleep, there's no way your going back to-" Gaster stated. "Okay! Okay! I get it!" I interrupted. "Did you have the number names?" Brendan asked. I growled. "He hates them." Gaster answered. I was actually kind of shocked that he answered that. "Sense when did you answer anything?" I asked. "Only if it's useless." One of Gasters hands grabbed on to my wrist and I summoned a Gaster Blaster behind him, infront of him, and above him. "I don't think that's the best of idea's." I growled. Gaster smirked, causing the Gaster Blasters to start to charge. "2-S, you only do one attack damage. You only have one health, I can live through 3 attack damage. But you, I can just break a bone and you'd be dead." Gaster threatened. "But if you kill me your not getting any more Neko's." I growled. "So your on his side!? Why!? Don't you realize-" Brendan exclaimed. "I... would NEVER be on this basterds side." I growled, interrupting him. Gaster walked closer to me, my Gaster Blasters following his every move. "I just need him." Gaster smirk grew and he turned his back to me. "So... give me the Neko, and 2-S will be okay." Gaster started talking the other direction and it was kind of creepy, that was until I heard what I didn't want to hear right now. Everything will be fine brother... I promise. I looked as my reflection of the Gaster Blaster's charged lazer to find a golden eye... and a orange eye. I snapped my head at Gaster, "You did NOT just threaten Paps." I wasn't even mad that he threatened to take my life, the fact that he said that to Paps pissed me off. "No, I threatened you." Gaster answered. "But you said it to Paps." I growled. A Blaster Gaster fired, directly at Gaster, I don't even know how long it has been charging but I suprizingly did 5 damage instead of 1. Gaster froze when he realized this as well. Remember brother, we share. We share attacks and health... don't freak out. Paps reminded me. It did make sense, I don't know why I didn't remember that. Maybe because I can't feel Paps eye in mine? Gaster slowly turned to me. How much defnece do you have? (I don't actually know so just stay with me here.) 10- 15 Paps answered. "So you can do more damage." Gaster frowned. "And you never told me." Gaster was beyond upset. "Give me one reason why I would tell you anything! There wasn't!" I growled back. Gaster stared at me, as if studying my actions. Gaster took a step closer to me, I took a step back. "Stay away." I warned. My bones and Gaster Blasters forming. "There are many things I didt tell you, and there are some things you'll never know." I added. "Unless I figure it out." Gaster took another step, the bones becoming more solid and sharp. I took another step back. "I'm not going to let that happen." I caused the Gaster Blasters to start to charge up. "Is that so? Because so far... I'm figuring out everything." Gaster took another step. Put them away! Gaster just wants to see how much damage they do! Paps warned. My eye flamed, I hated it when he did that. Thanks Paps! Your the best. I growled, as Gaster kept getting closer and closer. I took a silent deep breath, putting everything away and closing my eyes. I had to calm down, I had to stay stable. Paps could get hurt if I don't. When I opened my eyes again, Gaster was staring at me, not even a foot away. I hated when he got this close so I took a step back. "Ever heard of personal space?" I asked. He summoned the dumb magical hands and started grabbing my wrists. Before I could even blink before a giant fire wall came between me and Gaster. I had to jump back before I got hit. I knew that ability all to well, the fire growing and burning. Gaster can't go through, in fact, bring to close to the heat can take health. He's fragile when it comes to non solid things, I found that wierd, but I never pay attention to it. "I suggest you leave Sans alone." The voice warned. "I have to admit, pushing Sans buttons is enjoyable, but when it's for your selfish reasons, it's cruel. The fire died down a little when Gaster turned around. "Should I take that as a compliment?" I asked. "Eh, depends." Grillby shrugged, Paps and Frisk behind him. What the hell is Frisk doing here!? I growled. I could see Grillby smile, somehow, just the slightest movement from his glasses told me, maybe I stay around him to much. SHE WOULDN'T STOP FREAKING OUT!!! AND SHE WOULDN'T STOP BEGGING!! Paps yelled. I instantly watched Gasters every move, his breathing, his feet, anything. "Ah! Perfect!" Gaster clapped his hands and Grillby stood infront of Frisk, knowing that's what I would do, but it would show to much weakness Gaster would use it against me. Gaster put his hand on the scanner to Brendan's cell, the lasers fading. Brendan stepped out and looked at Frisk. Frisk froze, looking at Brendan. "You know what to do." Gaster ordered. I teleported in front of all 3 of them. "So tell me 2-S. Why do you have a orange eye?" Gaster asked, outing his hands behind his back like a police officer asking a murderer why he killed the victim. "That's one thing I won't let you figure out." I growled. "Are you sure? I'm thinking you and 1-P share glows. Meaning you share everything." Gaster smirked. Wow... he's so smart! We all looked at Paps. What? Paps looked at everyone else. I turn my attention back to Gaster, noticing one of his hands were missing. It was the teleportation hand. I looked back to the three, Frisk was gone. My eye flamed and Grillby's fire turned blue. Paps eye actually flamed, witch let me know that he was in my head. "What? I just need her for a while." Gaster smirked. "G? Calm down. I can feel your anger from my AU! What's going on!?" I can hear Ink as if he was just behind me, could it be possible? Is that even possible? Just because Gaster has Frisk? ..... I..... My eye's widened as I realized, my anger can only be shared when someone I love is in danger. Frisk... is in danger. Who was that? Paps asked. I couldn't even respond to him, all I could do was think of how else it was possible that my anger was thrown into Ink's AU. My eye flickered off so I could think about this alone. Frisk.... I love Frisk.... is it really that bad? Could it be that bad? Frisk is a Neko yes but..... Frisk is.... love? Gaster walked closer to me but I was to deep in thought to care. Frisk... I love Frisk. Frisk is in danger... why am I just standing here? Is it because I don't know where she is? Because she could be killed at this very second if I didn't cooperate? Because the more I refuse to cooperate the more pain she could be in? What has gotten into me!? I love Frisk... I've accepted that. But why am I standing here. Shouldn't it anger me? I'm not angery though... well... now I am! Ugh! I need to focus. "2-S? You seem... relaxed?" Gaster asked. Gaster was always able to read me... he... can't read me. Gaster put his hand on my head, trying to get through my mind. After maybe 5 minutes he pulled his hand away. "Where is she?" I asked, looking at him after maybe half an hour. "The Neko? Now why would I give you that information?" Gaster asked. She's not going through any pain then. My eye flared, Gaster smirked. "I hear you want to see how much damage these can do." I smirked, causing Gaster to watch me in a confused but interested manner. "How much damage can you really do?" Gaster asked. "Depends, on what's going on, who I'm with, and how many." I answered my Gaster Blaster showing and charging. "You know you can't till me." Gaster smiled evilly. "So, where is she?" I asked. "Or what?" Gaster challenged. "Or I'm going to make it so you wish you were dead." I growled. "But I'm already dead." Gaster looked confused. "You get the story line. Where is she?" I asked again. "She's with me." Gaster answered. I fired, 16 damage was taken, I charged up three others. "You can't lie to me Gaster." I growled. "Where is she?" I asked again. "She's safe." Gaster smiled. "For now." Gaster added in a mumbled. All three Gaster Blasters fired at once, doing 48 damage to Gaster. Grillby and Paps just seemed to watch. "G! You need to calm down! Your freaking everyone out!!" Ink declared. I lifted him from his spot and slammed him into the ground. "Last chance." I growled. I summoned my one Gaster Blaster who had a body, I haven't fed him in a while, so I won't mind giving him a meal. Or, a meal that will last forever. I added 10 Gaster Blasters on top of it to see if he'll budge. "I never said you could take her, I don't believe that you said you needed her, just another of her kind. So give her back, and you won't get seriously hurt." I shrugged. "And what makes you think I'll believe you'll try and kill me?" Gaster asked, standing back up slowly. "I wouldn't challenge him. He's already been to prison how many times now?" Grillby caught on easily. "UMMM..... I DON'T KNOW I LOST TRACK OF COUNT!!!!" Paps complained. "So? I'm his father." Gaster looked at me. Just for saying that I got even more pissed off and through him into the wall. I carried him quickly to one of the cells and put him so close to the laser it will start to take damage. 5 damage taken instantly. Gaster had to start to get exhausted and tired. "Where is she?" I asked again. "Do not make me repeated myself." I added. "I need the research, I'm not telling." Gaster answered. I growled lowly, the laser touching his entire body and I throw him to the wall again. I then snapp my fingers and my hungry Gaster Blaster pounced on him. Gaster was being eaten to pieces and Paps walked into the other room. I honestly thought he would try to stop me, or flat out stop me. Grillby left as well. "I'll come back in a little, maybe you'll change your mind." I snarled, walking out. Gaster screamed in pain multiple times. "Your not going to stop me?" I asked Paps after we where our of view. Paps turned to me and shook his head. "He did worse things to you then he did to me, that, and Frisk's life is at stake, he's already dead. Frisk isn't." Paps eyes started to water. "You usually try to reason-" I started. "He can't be reasoned with. Grillby warned me that this would happen. He told me that there will be violence and when it came to people you cared about there wasn't anything else to it. I just hope Frisk is okay. And also, maybe this will teach him to be good. To realize what he's done wrong. But please tell me you won't hurt any one from now on unless necessary. Promise me?" Paps was almost in tears and he knows I can't say no to that. I nodded my head, "I promise." After 4 more minutes I walked back, I snapped my fingers and the Faster Blaster got off. "Alright.... y-you win." Gaster was barely functional. "She's in.... cell.... F5467...." Gaster was way out of breath. I walked passed him, stopping a few yards away. "Next time, don't underestimate me." I growled, taking a moment and then started to walk again. Once I was out of view I started running around the halls trying to find the F hall. Once I did it was like 5 minutes and I looked at the numbers. "5467... 5467...." I repeated the numbers quietly to myself until I found it. I looked inside to see Frisk freaking out, surrounded by a hole bunch of other monsters. I put my hand up to the scan, the layers fading. That's one good thing about having his DNA. I thought to myself. They all froze and I could have sworn they stopped breathing. Frisk looked past them and saw me standing there. Frisk pushed past all the monsters and ran into me. The others following her every move. Frisk started to cry and from the fact she was just in there, I couldn't tell if it was from being scared, or from being overwhelmed by a bunch of jerks. I shouldn't drown her with questions she needs to calm down first... I closed the cell back up, before the others got out. "Hey! How do you have access to the scanner!?" One of them asked. "I don't." I answered, glaring at them. "You took Gasters hand!?" Another asked. I rolled my eyes. "C'mon Frisk... lets get you back home." I looked at Frisk who's eyes were now swollen up and irritated. "2-S!!!!" Another yelled. I looked up to the person who screamed that damb name. I looked over to my left to see a hole bunch of Monsters sticking there heads out to look at me. "Is it true!? Are you the legendary 2-S!?" Another said. I growled lowly. "What if I am? What if I'm not? Why do you care?" I shrugged. "It is!!! The legendary 2-S!!! He's come back!!!" They all started to cheer at this point and I hated it. "What the hell do you mean!? You think I'm saving you!?.... Actually...." I started to think. I wouldn't want to be in here for ever and if I had the chance to escape I would. I would do anything to make sure Paps escaped. I shook my head. "Let us out!! Please!!!" They begged. "No! First of all I'm asleep and second of all I don't need 1000 creatures living with me! No!" I growled. "We'll get our own place just let us out!" They started to get impatient. "I already have it in for my head!" I growled. "So your selfish? Just like Gaster." One growled. "Sure whatever makes you sleep at night." I shrugged. "Besides, if I let you guys out everyone else here will want to too... noooo thankyou!" I added. "Bully." Someone stated plainly. "Selfish! Get it right bozo!" Someone else yelled. "Will you shut up!!!?" I snapped. "Why do you save her? But none of us?" Simone else asked. "She doesn't need to go through this." I answered. "And neither do we!" Another stated. "You've been in here for at least a year! She was kidnapped and just barley put in not 10 minutes ago!" I growled back. "So!? We were kidnapped! Our families think we're dead!" Another complained. "For hella sake even if I tried it wouldn't work! Your in the void! Gasters void!" I growled. "So how is she getting out!?" Gaster asked, walking up to the group, limping. "Same way I am." I snarled. "Who said I'd let you out?" Gaster continued. My eye glared. "Because if you don't, you'll have to deal with me! And you know how much a pain I can be." I smirked. "Just because you were a pain then don't mean that I've prepared." Gaster nodded. I held Frisk closer to me. I won't lie, I was terrified. I knew what he had planned in for me, the lazer beam.... multiple tests based on my magic now that he knows. Knows I am capable to do more... so he thinks. I guess I am, I just need someone else to help me. And Frisk... I don't know what he's going to do to her. "I don't think so. Paps, Frisk, Grillby, and I are leaving." I corrected. "Grillby? Is that the fire guy?" Gaster asked. I growled, hating how he asks so many questions. "But do tell me, how do you plan on getting out?" Gaster added. "Why the hell would I tell you? You could just prevent it." I stated. "2-S... I want you to understand something. I'm a glitch, at this moment in time and I can control how much energy you can use. I won't let that happen." Gaster smirked. A blue spark flashed behind Gaster. My eyes went blank when I saw Night standing there.

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