In Love With A Zombie - Chapter Two: What!?

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Aphmau's POV


I see a blinding light in front of me, almost like a flashlight or street light. And not bothering to put my hands up in front of me, I start to cry. My crying went on hot hours and hours until a shadow crept up and blocked the light. And I realized, in this period, I was in my baby years, my young years. The shaded figure kneeled at my crying self, and said something in a soft, yet echoed voice. I couldn't tell what the figure said, but it sounded gentle at least. After the voice continued to talk, the voice became more clear. All I could manage was a few words. "It's Oka--... Shhhh..............." and so on. My crying started to settle down as I saw a man in front of me, or should I say... a teenager? Or a child? He picked me up and started to hum to me quietly, trying to calm me down. I looked up at him once my tears stopped. He had dark, almost pitch black hair that looked silky and smooth, bright red eyes that reminded me of blood. And when I reached out to examine him, I noticed something different in his mouth. Was it food? Or something he chewed on? Maybe it was that weird stretchy sticks that they make bubbles out of. Either way, when I touched his skin, he flinched. His skin was ice cold, it kinda excited me. So I laughed. I touched his face again and laughed when I looked at his eyes. I went to touch his right eye, but he closed it, a smile spreading across his face. I laughed and laughed as I explored the new figure. He set me down and started playing with me, in the light of a street light. He waved his hands around slowly as I tried to catch them. He chuckled over and over. Each chuckle for every time I caught his hands, causing me to make a coping sound, along with the following laugh. Excitement covered me in every way as I crawled up onto his lap. I reached for his face and touched his lips. I moved his lips out of the way and found two longer teeth, one for each side. I poked one of them and the male laughed. I poked it again, testing how sharp it was. It wasn't a good idea, because when I went to pile it again, a sharp, sudden pain struck through my finger and I pulled back. I started to cry again from the shock and fear of the sudden feeling. The male looked at my finger, and I saw a red liquid come from my finger. He smiled. "It's okay, look." He smiled and put my finger in his mouth when he opened his mouth again, the red liquid was gone and there wasn't any hole. "See! All the better!" The male smiled. "Numa?" I asked. He tilted his head in confusion. "Numa!? Numa!?" I started to yelp. "Mr, Aphmer... yo, Numa!?" The male still didn't understand. The vision became wight and I see a green backyard, the same male in front of me. Except for this time, he had almost black eyes. His sharp teeth still there. I giggled as I played with him. "What's your name?" I asked. "My name?" He asked confused. I nodded, "Your name." I smiled. He chuckled. "My name's Aaron." He mimicked. I giggled as I tackled him. "Happy Birthday!" I smiled. "Birthday? It's not my birthday you silly." Aaron smiled as he started tickling my sides. I squirmed and laughed, trying to get him to stop. A loud snap came from a tree as a tree branch fell towards us. Aaron quickly moved, to fast for a human speed. I looked up at him and saw his eyes were red again. I poked his cheek and giggled. He smiled at me. "AARON!!!" An angry voice yelled. I jumped and tears started to fill my eyes. Aaron held me closer. "It's okay, that's just my grumpy old dad." Aaron smiled as he poked my nose. "He scary," I whined as I clung on to him. "I know, but, once you get to know him he's not all that bad. He just gets worried easily." Aaron smiled, pulling my hair behind my ear. I nodded, trying to calm down as I hugged Aaron as tightly as I could. "AARON WE NEED TO GO! NOW!!" The voice yelled. I looked over to see a shadow, he had dark hair just like Aaron, and his eyes were a dark brown instead of black or red. "Why?" He asked. "The zombies! They've broken through the gate!" He yelled. Aaron's eyes widened as he heard rustling in the trees. Aaron picks me up and starts to head off when his dad stops him. "What are you doing!? Leave the kid here!" His dad ordered. "She'll die! Hell no!" Aaron retorted. "I'll take her, she's my responsibility anyway." A girl with black hair and a little grey walked in. She had brown eyes and wore a green shirt and blue pants. "I don't care but you're not taking her." The older man yelled. "Promise me I'll see her again," Aaron said, handing me to the girl. "She's my Miha, I'll do anything I can to protect her." The girl said. "Suzanne." I smiled as she took me. A slumped over man came from the bushes, his eyes brown but his clothes were torn up. "Go!" Aaron yelled. "I'll meet you there." And with that, this so-called Syvanna started running, and when we got out, there was a huge run. And that's when the nightmare came in. The president took me away from my mom, putting me on the ground and running into the gate with my mom. And the vision started again as security got everyone inside and my mom and friends yelling for me.

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