EchoTale Sans X Neko Frisk - Chapter Two: Secret Revealed

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I moan in pain as I slowly open my eyes, a headache slowly forming as I wake up. Ow... Chara complained. I sit up, feeling a wave of pain from my stomach, screaming from the unexpected pain. "I would lay down." A voice growled. I opened my eyes, seeing a shorter skeleton then the one before, remembering the fight, or, the event was making my pain worse, but I couldn't help it. I groaned as I tried to get up. Are the ears and tail showing? Chara asked. I looked on the couch to see my purple tail with wight spots. I lifted my hand to feel the soft fur of my ears. Chara's knife appeared in my hand as I saw through her eyes. "WHERE THE HELL AM I!?" She yelled.

          Chara, let me handle this, please. I begged. You're in pain, you'll heal better if I take over. Chara argued. I forced myself trough, causing the knife to disappear. Chara growled in response. I grabbed my head in pain. Your lucky you have a red soul. Chara growled. "What's your name kid?" The Skeleton asked. "Frisk," I answered. "Okay then, Frisk. Your lucky he was there when he was. If Pap wasn't there, you wouldn't have survived, and I honestly would have killed you myself. "So a Neko, huh?" He asked. I stiffened, he knew! He, KNEW! He's going to kill me! What do I do!? Stop! You're giving me a headache! Chara growled. The taller skeleton walked in. "Is the Neko okay?" He asked worriedly. 

          "She' all have a headache, other than that, I haven't gotten that far." The shorter one answered. "So... what's your name?" I asked. "I'm a great Papyrus! And This is my brother Sans!" The tall one exclaimed. Sans groaned. "I should get going, I have things to attend to," I said, slowly getting up, realizing I didn't have my armor on. "Where's my armor?" I asked. "Somewhere you'll never find it," Sans answered. "Fine, I'm off." I shrugged. I looked behind me to see a tree branch right outside a window. Perfect. Chara agreed. I climbed up to the window slowly, making sure not to cause any more pain. "You're leaving already?" Papyrus asked. I sighed, "Look, I have some errands to do. I need to get my king his food before they block me from coming back to the village. If you could... keep this a secret? That would be wonderful." I smiled.

          "No can do, you've been asleep for a week. I'm pretty sure-" "A WEEK!!!" I screamed, interrupting Sans. Sans looked at me confused. "I HAVE BEEN ASLEEP FOR A WEEK!!!" I yelled shocked. DAMMIT! WE NEED TO GO NOW! THE LONGEST YOU CAN BE GONE IS A WEEK AND A HALF! WHO KNOWS HOW LONG IT TAKES TO GET THERE! Chara yelled. "I'm sorry! I need to go!" I quickly opened up the window, ignoring the pain in my arm. A golden aura surrounded me and placed me on the couch as I struggled to getaway. "You can't go now," Sans said as the golden aura closed the window. "My king needs his food! I need to go!" I said, starting to fight the aura. Sans growled and a bunch of sharp bones surrounded me causing me to freeze in my place. I looked at the bones in fear, HE IS GOING TO KILL ME! "Brother!" Papyrus growled in a warning tone. 

          "I didn't want to push this on ya this way. But you're not giving me much of a choice here." Sans stated. I slowly looked back at him. "Push what on me?" I asked. "Neko's are the most wanted creature on the planet, you think you can get anywhere without anyone?" Sans asked. "I, just climb the tree's," I answered. "Not going to work, the trees have an electrical volt in them for your kind, touch a tree in your position, you die." Sans continued. How did I not see that coming? Chara asked herself. "And I never got the name of your other half," Sans added. "Her names Chara," I answered. OH! SO NOW YOU'RE JUST GOING TO GIVE INFORMATION! Chara yelled at me. Well, he saved us so I have every sense of listening and answering his questions! Along with Papyrus. I disagreed. Fine. Chara sighed. "So... how far away are we to the forest?" I asked.

          "Forest? Which one?" Sans asked, the bones disappearing. "Any forest," I answered. "There's a forest nearby! It's just a few miles away!" Papyrus smiled happily. "Great! Can I go now?" I asked desperately, wanting to be back home. "Why the forest?" Sans asked. "It... makes me feel at home. You know how cats are with trees' right?" I shrugged. "OF COURSE!!!" Papyrus yelled, causing me to hold my head, my ears flopping to the side. "Oops, sorry Neko!" Papyrus apologized. "It's fine, but I really need to go. My kind needs food and I need to get some for our king." I answered. "What kind of food?" Sans asked. "Seafood mainly," I answered. "That's what I thought," Sans smirked. "What? Are you going to follow me home?" I asked confused. 

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