UnderNight X Reader - Chapter Two: Revenge

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The sun was up and shining, light somehow was piercing through the window. It was a wierd day yesterday. I yawned and got up. I got dressed in the dress Sans got me yesterday because I only worn it for a few hours. I rubbed my head as I walked out of my room. "UGGGH!!" Night groaned from his room. Poor Night. I thought. I waited for Night to come out of his room. When he did he stumbled to the railing. "You okay?" I asked. Night just groaned. "I'll take that as a no." I decided. Night couldn't keep himself up completely. He put a hand on his head. "Why does my head hurt so badly?" Night asked. "Why don't you sit down?" I suggested. "You know why don't you?" Night asked, he turned my way but instantly screamed in pain. I'm going to kill Lust!! I growled. "Yes... I know why your head hurts." I answered calmly. Night had to collect himself, in order to walk that is. "What is it?" Night asked. "Umm... well, you see-" I started. "Just tell me." Night interrupted. "You were high." I put a hand on his back. "What?" Night asked. "I don't know what you were high on, or how much you had. But you were drunk." I explained. "WHA-AAAH!" Night stopped screaming. "You should sit down." I repeated. "No, I'm okay." Night assured. "If you were okay, you would be able to walk." I helped him away from the railing. Papyrus woke up and came out of his room. "BROTHER-" Papyrus started. "AAAH!" Night screamed in pain. "D-Did I do something?" Papyrus asked nervously. "No... he just has a bad headache." I answered. "Oh... I'm so sorry brother! I'll get some ice!" Papyrus rushed quietly down the stairs and to the kitchen. "How?" Night asked. "How? You mean... how you got drunk?" I asked. "Y-Yeah... I don't remember taking anything." Night couldn't remove his hand from his head. "I'll get Horror and Lust." I walked towards the door. "Why?" Night looked in my direction. "Cuz... I can't tell you alone." I answered. He looked at me like I was wierd. "I'll be back, please, try and get to the couch." I begged and went down the stairs. I walked to the door and turned the door knob. I opened the door and walked outside, closing the door behind me. "Horror! Lust!" I yelled shortly. "What is it kid?" Horror appeared infront of me. "You okay?" Lust appeared next to Horror. "Come inside." I instructed. We walked inside and Night was at least half way down the stairs. I rushed to his side and helped him the rest of the way down. "Yeah... y'know what, I just realized my bro has practice going on and he wanted me to cheer him on or join him or somethin' like that. C'ya!" Lust started to back away but before he opened the door a red glow brought him back. "Your not going anywhere." Horror growled. Night and I were at the bottom of the stairs when Night almost fell. "Careful." I pleaded. "Thanks." Night thanked. We got him to the couch. Papyrus came in with a bag of ice and handed it to Night. "You going to be okay brother?" Papyrus asked. "I'll be fine, thanks." Night took the ice and put it on his head. "I'm going to go to the shop, I'll be back soon Night." Papyrus left leaving me, Night, Horror, and Lust alone. "Can someone please tell me what happened." Night begged. I sat down next to him and looked at Horror and Lust. Horror looked at Lust. "Whaaat..." Lust slyly smiled. Horror put him down and blocked the way to the door, and the stairs with a row of bones. "I'm not sure!! What about you Lust?" Horror growled his name. "Heh... uh-" Lust started sweating. "Why are you guys staring at Lust?" Night asked. "Okay, I'll tell him! Lust made you high!" Horror growled. "What!?" Night growled angerly. "Why don't you explain the rest." Horror asked. "I don't know what your talking about!" Lust crossed his arms. "Lust... I have a very important question for you." I stated. Lust looked at me. "Do you want to die today?" I threatened. "Wait, wait, wait! Lust? How on earth-..... oh-ho-ho! I'm going to-AAHH!" Night held his head. "Poor Night." Horror drooped. "Should we get Grillby? Do you think he knows how to help it?" I asked. "Maybe. I'll go get him" Horror offered. "He'll freak if he see's you! AH!" Night said. "True, I'll get him." I walked out the door. "No. Yelling." I pointed a finger at Lust. "Why are you pointing at me!?" Lust asked. "Because your the one that caused this mess!" I growled and left. When I found Grillby's I took a deep breath and walked in. Just like last time, everyone stared at me. I ignored it and went up to the bar. "Aren't you a little young to drink?" Grillby came out of the room. He was purple this time. He had a black jacket on over his normal suit.
(Just pretend. There is no UnderNight Grillby. So we're using this one for this story.)

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