In Love With A Zombie - Chapter Seven: The Biggest Risk I've Ever Made

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Aaron's POV

          Aphmau was being put to sleep... Or death for that matter currently. I was so scared, I could tell Aph was too. "It's gonna be okay Aaron." Aph tried to give an encouraging smile, but I could see the fear, worry, and doubt in her eyes. She couldn't hide that from me. I could see right through her. I just nodded and took a deep breath. She was trying to be here for me, and I needed to do the same for her. I loved her so much, I could let her go through this is nothing but fear. "I promise this will work. I would never forgive myself if it didn't. Okay?" I tried, and tried, and tried... But she was never fully convinced. It helped a little, but not enough for that fear to go away. I tried everything. "I'll make you some bacon once you wake up." I smiled. Aph nodded happily and she soon fell asleep. Her body turned even colder if it was possible. "So far so good," Doc said. To be honest, I never knew his real name, Doc has become his name at this point. I could feel the pain in my chest, telling me my mate was in danger. I wanted to go stop this, I wanted to bring her back. But it was too late to stop the plan. We already started.

Aphmau's POV

          It was dark and numb. I could feel anything. It was just so lonely. I couldn't hear anything and I prayed and prayed that Aaron was okay. That I was okay. That nothing was going bad in the plan. I could feel myself dying, more than before. And the black surroundings turned white. I started looking around, it wasn't even a room, or abys. I was just floating in a white glowing place. And I see someone else. Someone familiar but I can't decide who. To be honest it looked like me. "Hello, Aph." I hear her say. I gave a silent wave as I watched her. "To be honest, your lucky you survived u til that virus took over because otherwise, this plan wouldn't work." The girl said. My eyes went wide. "I actually survived!? How!?" I asked. "Because several started going for someone else. You weren't the only one to be sacrificed. You were just the first. The others who were sacrificed did not survive some turned into zombies." The girl explained. "How many..." I trailed off. "25 kids and adults were sacrificed." She answered. My heart clenched. "Luckily, the zombies forgot about you and headed for the others long enough for you to let the virus take over." She said. "Did I?..." I couldn't speak. I was grossed out, it was so wrong. "No. You did not join the others. You turned 24 hours after they attacked. Why or how they forgot about you I don't know. But, they left you alone." She shook her head. "I would have died from blood loss," I mumbled. "Apparently not. I thought you would too. But the virus attacked your heart first, causing it to stop beating and the blood no lo get pumped through. It was still. You suffered a miserable 24 hours. I can't imagine not being able to breathe for 20 minutes before it fully took over your lungs. Your body fought the virus so you had moments to breathe every once in a while. But man, it was miserable." She gave a sad smile. "But it's okay. Because you have the second revive to live with Aaron." She smiled happily. "How did I even?..." I asked. "Beats me. You were one strong kid I guess. I have absolutely no clue outside of that. But you did it. You survived." She said. That's crazy! Unbelievable! Unheard of! Practically immortal! I was in shock. "Aaron is feeling the pain." She said. "But the 24 hours thing," I mumbled. "That's only if you die. He can feel if you're in danger or pain." She explained. "But your gonna be okay. Just hang in there as you did back then. And you'll be with him forever." She smiled at me. I started to feel a massive pain in my arm and I screamed. "And it starts. I promise it will be okay." She nodded. "Will I see him again?" I asked. "Always. Just the matter of how soon. If you can get through this, then you will see him in a few minutes. At this time you have come back to life in their time and they injected the C virus." She nodded. I smiled. "Just suffer for a few minutes, then your whole life will be amazing. I promise." She smiled and started to float away. "Wait!" I yelled as the pain spread through my chest. She turned back to me as tears picked my eyes as the pain worsened. "Will.... Will I see you again?" I asked through clenched teeth. "Of course. All you have to do is call out my name." She smiled. "What's..." I mumbled. I couldn't speak. "It's Irene. Call me, and I shall be there to help you, my child." She smiled before she vanished. The pain spread through my other arm and up my neck as I was left alone. Irene... I'll survive. Just a little longer... Just... A little... Longer. I thought to myself. The pain went through my head. It felt like someone was banging a sledgehammer from the inside of my skull. I felt Luke was about to break. It went through my arm, to my stomach, abdomen, legs, feet, toes. Everywhere.  I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. It hurt so much. But I would survive. I had to. For Aaron. I suffered for a few minutes. It felt like hours. But it finally eventually started to calm down. It started to fade. And the white glow went black again. "Be free to my child. Goodbye." I heard Irene's voice echoed. I wasn't alone... The thought made me smile before I passed out.

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