In Love With A Zombie - Chapter Five: Let Me Explain

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"A crush is someone you have a romantic interest with!" Zane yelled out. "There, now that she knows it's all settled," Zane added. My heart fluttered, a romantic interest? Me?... I can feel myself blushing at the thought. "ZANE WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" Aaron yelled. "You can't keep her in the dark you know..." Zane smirked. "Plus it brought you misery and embarrassment." Zane laughed. Aaron's face flushed. I held a smirk back. "So.... like a kissy-kissy, lovey-lovey romance?" I asked. "I like this girl. No wonder we were friends." Katelyn laughed. Aaron's face just got brighter. "Yep, that's the one." Zane chuckled. "Awe... you find me attractive?" I smiled at Aaron. "That's it! I'm done. Bye guys." Aaron got up and started towards the door. "But you wouldn't leave your love interest lost in such a dangerous place for her would you?" I giggled. "You know the way back," Aaron grumbled. "No, I don't. My eyes were closed." I giggled. Aaron stopped in his tracks and let out an over exasperated sigh. "Curse you," Aaron mumbled. "I can't get any more cursed." I pointed out. "Why's that?" Garroth asked. "With me being already dead I live for eternity. And as time goes on I watch everyone else I now care for die. That includes you guys, Mom, future friends and love interests, and maybe even someday kids. I might have to adopt some... I don't know how well that would work out." I said. Everyone went quiet. "That got dark fast," Katelyn stated. "That it did." Lucinda nodded in agreement. Aaron sighed and looked to the side. "Zombies usually stop growing at the age of 21." I looked over at him. "Humans study Zombies?" I asked. Aaron nodded. Yeah, the aura in this place went thick. "Aaron if you like me so much why are you so far away?" I whined trying to lighten up the mood. Aaron looks at me with big eyes. It seemed to work at least a little bit, everyone seemed to be less tense. "Looks like Aphmau likes you back Aaron." Katelyn teased. Aaron's cheeks flushed and he turned away from everyone, hiding his face. I have to admit, he's cute when he blushes. "So what made you come out of the walls for me anyway?" I asked. "It's a long story," Aaron answered quietly.  "Then sum it up." I smiled. Aaron took a deep breath. "Summery is that you're my mate," Aaron said. I tilted my head in confusion. "Mate?" I asked. "Called it!!!" Garroth yelled. "A mate in Aaron's terms is another half of his soul." Laurence clarified. "So... That's why you went out to find me?" I asked. "I knew you were out there. I just had to figure out where you were the sense you weren't in the safety of the walls. There's gonna be a lot to take in by the story." Aaron stated. I was a little confused, Aaron turned to face us as his eyes flashed red. The girls, Travis, Dante, and Zane gasped. "There's a lot for you to know, the whole mate bond can be complicated and confusing, so I'll try and take it one step at a time," Aaron confessed. I nodded. "Quick question. Why aren't you hungry yet?" I asked. Aaron laughed. "I can last until later tonight." Aaron smiled. I narrowed my eyes at him, he's starving himself again. "But your hungry," I whined. Aaron shook his head. "They would just get traumatized." Aaron pointed at everyone else. I narrowed my eyes at him. Aaron sighed. "I'll get something soon don't worry." I huffed and Aaron began to explain the whole mate thing to me. By the end of several questions and answers. I found out that it was my blood that got him to realize who his mate was and how he found me. He also knew I would like him back because of the mate bond, but was respecting me to take it easy. He didn't want to pressure me into anything. Which was very kind of him to do, I still don't know how I feel about all this information. Katelyn, Lucinda, Kim, Kawaii~Chan, and Nickole kept asking him questions about his race and such. When they found out that I was an angel sort of thing they started asking me questions too. "I have asked a doctor from my kind to come to take a look at you, see if you can heal from this zombie faze." Aaron smiled. I nodded and everyone kept asking to see my wings and all so I gave in easily. Then they started to ask if they can touch them and I became an experiment to them. But I don't mind. It's nothing painful, they are just reflex experiments. Nothing bad. Aaron didn't like how Garroth and all the guys kept touching my wings and all. I couldn't help but laugh, he was glaring at them forever. "Did I find a tickle spot?" Garroth asked. I shook my head and pointed at Aaron. Garroth and everyone else looked over and as soon as they meet Aaron's glare they all seemed to take a step back from me. Which made me laugh harder. Once they were a good 5-10 feet away Aaron's glare went away and he just stared at me while I couldn't breathe. It was funny and adorable how protective he is now that everyone and I know I'm his mate. Anyway, the doorbell rang and Lucinda got up to fetch the door. A young man, about in his early 20's walked in. "You called?" He asked Aaron. Aaron nodded and pointed at me. I looked at the man. He had blonde hair and green eyes. A little shorter than Aaron. He walked up to me and kneeled in front of me. He feels my skin. "A zombie angel?" I hear him ask. "She isn't supposed to be a zombie, is there a way we can heal her?" Aaron asked. The doc thought for several minutes. "There are theories, I would have to go into more detail. But I believe there is a way yes." The doc nodded. Aaron nodded and the doc began to look at every detail of my wings and skin. Several theories might be possible but can be deadly, so he kept searching for a way to cure my virus. He's been working on it a couple of days and finally says he concluded. "It won't fully go away. But I know a way to make the zombie side die down a lot. Every once in awhile it will still be there." Doc said. Aaron and I looked at each other, causing Aaron to sigh. "We will need a minute." Aaron stated. The doc nodded and left the room.

Aaron's POV

          I know what he is talking about. I hoped there was another way, but in short terms, she dies. That would get rid of the zombie side a little. But to get rid of it fully, well, that's where my plan comes in. There's a chemical. Once she dies we insert a toxic liquid to zombies in her that should die down the zombie side. They call it the C Virus. It attacks and eats all Z Virus'. Z Virus' has a certain chemical called Vitorzian that the C Virus feeds off of. Vitorzian is also the main cause for the zombie creation. But there is a chance that she won't come back to life. As for the angels' form, it won't be affected. The Angel's form gives angels the ability to come back to life after their first death. The problem with this is that technically she already died once, and we don't know if it will count that as the first death. There have been rumors about this theory across the non-human population. Some humans have heard of these rumors because people don't know how to keep secrets. But with that being said, they just call them crazy. I start to explain the situation to Aph, she seems confused a lot throughout the topic so I have to explain several things. By the look of her face as she starts to click, I can tell she doesn't like the idea. But others are far riskier than that. Other rumors of this sort of thing require several other lives at stake. And I know Aph would not allow that no matter what she would go through. This is the only rumor that has the highest chance of working. Aph bites her bottom lip in nervousness. "I don't know Aaron... would it be so bad to just live like this?" Aph asked. "They will catch on that there are intruders in this town. And that there is a zombie here. We can only get away with taking so many pigs and animals before someone starts to question." I say. Aph sighed as she pondered this statement. "And if it doesn't work? That mate thing, you'd be miserable." Aph frowned. I shake my head. "I wouldn't. The only reason why I live is to have you in my life. I've lived for many years and honestly, I'm getting tired of the human population. I would gladly join you." I stated. Aphmau's eyes widened. "YOUR TALKING ABOUT SUICIDE!!" Aph yelled. I nodded, deciding I need to sit down next to her for this part. "Aph my life is pointless without you. I'm always hungry and I can't live on without you anyway. If your mate dies then you go through a massive pain. For vampires, you die with your mate. Other creatures not so much, you can live on. But vampires don't die very easily and to end one's life you have to kill their mate, that's the easiest way, other ways are far more complicated and might not even work." I say. Aphmau gives a sad look. "Aph, even if I do somehow survive through the mate bond braking, I would try several suicidal attempts in order to be with you. I can't live a life without you." I say grabbing her hands in mine. Aph shakes her head. "You can't die because of me! I won't let you die because of this chance! I'm not doing it!" Aph wouldn't stop shaking her head. "Aph listens to me, You can't stay here if you do that. You just met everyone you knew in the past when you lived. I know your not willing to give that up. I know you not. You wouldn't have saved me otherwise. This chance can turn you back to normal. You wouldn't live in fear, you wouldn't have to puke every time you lose control. You don't have to worry about hurting others. You could have kids of your own. You could have a family. You could go outside without danger threatening you at every corner." I explained all the positives. "I'm in for this plan, but I won't force you into it either," I added. "He said I would still have the zombie side." Aph pointed out. And this is where I explain my part of it. "Aph I can take that out. Once the first process is done they have a C Virus that eats the Vitorzian in Z virus'." I explained. Aph watched me closely. "They use it to try and save people who get scratched, and it usually works," I added. Aph looked to the side, not wanting to meet my eyes. I can see the gears turning in that head of hers, it's honestly adorable.

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