UnderNight X Reader - Chapter Four: The Kiss

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"Night...." I mumbled. "Kid please." Night begged. I didn't answer, Night's needs was growing impatiently. "Night... I don't think-" I started. "Please!" Night begged again, interrupting me. I was growing to soft, it was killing me. "Night... err... fine!" I growled in defeat. Night smiled and waited more patiently. "Jake gave me some pictures... of the people around. As you look at them." I umfolded the pictures. "They all have red eyes." I finaished I found Jake in a corner. "Even Jake." I pointed at him. Night looked at the pictures closely. "Okay... how do they hide them?" Night asked. "I'm assuming color contacts. They can change their eyes to any color they want with those." I answered. "Color contacts huh?... what else did you find out?" Night asked. "I think their a bunch of Scientists, and their good at finding information." I answered. "Is that it?" Night asked. "So far..." I answered. Night then squinted at the photo's. "Great... I have a science girl on my tail." Night sighed. I laughed, "We just have to be extra careful on what we do." I said. "Should we tell Horror?" Night asked. "I don't know... do you think their going to try and get to him?" I asked. "Who knows... I think we should just in case though." Night nodded. "Okay... but not to much information." I agreed. "C'mon, let's go find him." Night said. I nodded, folding up the pictures and putting them back in my pocket. We walked out of my room and my dad, mom, and sister where in the living room. "Okay (Your name)... where is the knife from the cupboard!?" Dad growled. "I'll answer that later, I have things to do." I answered and turned the door knob, opening the door. "(YOUR NAME)!!!" Mom yelled. I sighed and looked at them. They all had worried and scared, yes angery expressions. "I said I'll explain later." I growled harshly and walked away. Night was already outside. I shut the door behind me only to have it swing open. "YOU ANSWER RIGHT THIS MINUTE YOUNG LADY!" Dad yelled. "No time." I answered and started walking to the forest. "No time huh?" Night asked. "I need to come up with a excuse..." I mumbled so they didn't hear. "Tell them your training me to use it. Even though you... well, you won't be lying." Night suggested. "Good idea... but I still have to do it later." I said. Night nodded in agreement. "(YOUR NAME) (YOUR LAST NAME)!" Dad yelled again. "I'm so grounded." I growled to myself. "We can deal with that later. But we also need to find an excuse for such a hurry." Night commented. "Yeah... I agree. But I have an idea for that." I smiled. "Uh... kid?" Night asked. "Yeah?" I asked, not bothering to stop. "Your eyes are... red...." Night answered. I stopped to look at him. "What do you mean their red?" I asked. "Like the ones in the pictures... your eye color is red." Night answered. I processed the information slowly. "Hmm... maybe I'm not the only one with abilities." I mumbled. "C'mon, we'll have to explain to Horror." Night dropped the situation and walked into the forsest. "HORROR!!" Night and I called for at least 10 minutes before he showed up. "What's up-..... kid?" Horro stared at me. "Don't ask about them." I shrugged. "Okay... what's up?" Horror asked. "We have a few problems... there's a gang of human... ish... people that are trying to get ahold of the kid. They know what she is... just don't know who." Night explained. "Heh... you know it's really easy sneaking knifes out of the house." I chuckled. Night and Horror froze and looked at me. "What?... I'm under stress okay." I growled. "Okay. So... who are these people?" Horror continued. "We don't know. A man named Jake gave me a warning. And if he know's who I am, and what I'm capable of. I need you to be careful in who you trust." I said. "I see. That would make sense of the emergency... but how are you going to get those eye's back to normal?" Horror asked. "I'm a shapeshifter, I'll figure something out." I smiled. "True... is there anything I can do?" Horror asked. "I don't think so... just be wary." Night answered. "Alright. You two stay safe." Horror nodded. "You too." I said. "Me? Be safe? Hah! That's the best joke I've ever heard!" And with that Horror teleported away. "ALRIGHT (YOUR NAME)! THAT'S ENOUGH! STOP RUNNING OFF AND TELL ME!" Dad came from the forest. Damb... I almost lost him. I growled at myself. I took a deep breath, closing my eye's so they wouldn't see them. "The answer to the missing knife is that I was teaching Night on how to hide it. And pull it out without cutting him. Two... there was an emergency meeting I had to have with Horror, Night, and myself." I answered, taking deep breaths. "And what is it about?" My dad growled, now more calmly. "It's secret. If they wanted you to know we would have added you into it." I sighed. "You are MY daughter! Whatever this situation is about I should know!" Dad assured. "Dad this is something you won't understand. It's a magic thing." I shrugged, still not opening my eyes. "Hmph.... fine. I'll let this slide. But for future notifications, at least tell me there's a meeting." Dad begged. "I will. Now, me and Night need to do somethings. Will you go back to the house?" I asked politely. "Don't be to long. Dinner's going to be ready soon." And Dad walked off. A few minutes passed. "You can open your eyes now." Night assured. I opened them, "Okay... now. We need to find out why Dante wants me." I said, turning to him. "Dante?" Night asked. "That's their leader." I explained. "Gotcha... maybe they want to know if your eye's turn red too." Night shrugged. "No... Jake said that they wanted to do something bad... but what?" I asked. "Hmm... should I get Gaster to hack into their system?" I asked. "Witch one?" I asked. "Mine would be safer... but I don't think he can get in. I think Digi-Tale would be best." Night said. "Digo-Tale?" I asked. "HEY DIGI!?" Night yelled. And a computer like skeleton came up.

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