UnderNight X Reader - Chapter Three: Mystery

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I open my eye's slowly, waking up in the middle of the night. I look at the time and it reads: 12:30 pm. I groan silently. When I noticed a figure standing at my door. I look next to me, Night still holding me in bed. "Hello?" I ask softly. Afraid of what it wanted. It looked at me, eye's a blood red color. I froze, Night brought me closer. I kept my eye's on the figure. "What do you want?" I asked quietly, so I wouldn't wake Night up. "Has anyone told you how yummy you smell?" He chuckled, his voice dark and creepy. "Who are you?" I asked. "Me?... na, I'll keep that to myself for now." He chuckled. "Are... you from another AU?" I asked, choosing my words wisely. "AU? What's that?" He asked. That answer's my question. I thought. "N-Nothing... why are you here?" I changed the subject. MHe turns to me. "What do you mean by the answer you gave me?" I asked. "We'll talk later." And he disappeared. "You okay kid?" Night asked, pulling me close again. "Yeah..." I answered u sure. "Mm.... you don't sound sure." Night stated. "Get rest Night." I instructed. "But now you got me curious." Night complained, a smile growling on his face. "Night just go to sleep." I turned to him, his face almost touching my forehead. "Kid... who where you talking to?" Night asked. "I don't know..." I answered. "What did they say?"  Night almost growled. "It's nothin g Night. Just go to sleep." I begged. Night glared at me suspiciously. "Night please." I added. Night's emotion didn't change, he just glared at me. "Kid? Why are you avoiding it?" Night asked, his brows furrowed. "It don't matter." I answered, thinking of what he said. Has anyone told you how good you smell? The response repeated in your head. "KID!?" Night shook me. "W-What!?" I asked. "You dozed off there." Night answered. "Oh..." I mumbled. "You know you can tell me?" Night assured. "Yeah I know." I answered. Night sighed and hugged me tighter. "He asked me..." I started, unsure. Night listened carefully. "If anyone told me how... good? I smell." I paused, afraid of what he meant. "How far away was he?" Night asked. "He was quite a distance... at least 2 yards away." I answered. "Interesting..." Night thought for a moment. I sat up, Night's arm falling onto my lap. "You okay?" He asked, sitting up as well. "Yes... no... I don't know. How would people usually take that?" I asked. "I dunno... that's why I asked." Night shrugged. I thought for a moment, Night still watching worryingly. Night's arm tightened, pulling me to him. "It'll be okay." Night assured. I didn't respond, I didn't know how. I shook my head, forgetting the situation and leaning into Night. "What is that all about?" Night asked, shocked. I shrugged, silently hoping he didn't mind it. "Hmm..." Night hummed in thought. "Why don't you go back to bed." Night suggested. I looked at the time. It was 1:00 am. "Yeah..." I answered slowly. I lifted up a little, Night lays down and I lay down next to him. He hugged me once again, not letting go. I cuddled into him and fell asleep.

9:32 pm.

I woke up, stretching a little, not wanting to wake Night up. I tried to sneak out of Night's arms but he started to move. I froze in place. Hmm... I thought for a moment. I formed into one of the skeletons and teleported out of Night's arms, forming back. I walked to the door, expecting it to be unlocked. Nope... still locked. I thought for a minute. Is the barrier still up? I tried teleporting out, didn't work. Dang it. I started texting my mom to let me out, but she was asleep... I'm assuming. "Awake already?" A similar voice asked. I turned around, hoping it was Night. It was the same guy from a few hours ago. "You want to answer the question?" I answered. "Hmm.... I'll think about it." He stated. "Who are you?" I asked. "A mix." He answered. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm like a vampire Sans... you know... but, a mix of another." He shrugged. "A mixture of who else?" I asked. "Lust... not a very good mix if you ask me. A lustfull vampire... oh well. I won't complain." He shrugged. "And what do they call you?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Eh... I dunno. Some call me BL... some call me B. It all depends." He said. "What does B and BL stand for?" I asked. "I'm pritty sure the B stands for Blood... can't guarantee it though. I can guarantee that BL stands for Blodd Lust." He answered. "So... your a vampire?" I asked. "Yeah..." he answered. "Hmm... I see." I said. "Interesting how you don't freak out." He stated. "I... don't freak out much. Other than the time I met Horror." I looked at the door. "You can't get out... can you?" B asked. "No... the door's locked. And the window's nailed." I answered. "Heh." B chuckled. "How did you get in here?" I asked. "I never left. Watching you sleep was difficult don't get me wrong." B shrugged. I realized it was dark, the blinds were shut. I wonder if he's bluffing... I searched for the light switch near the door. "What you lookin' for?" He asked. "Something tells me that there's still a way out without breaking anything." I lied. Technically it wasn't a lie... I just left out the main reason. "Hmm... I see." B nodded, understanding. I reached for the door knob, still trying to twist it without waking Night up. I can't wake him up... the light would effect that. I looked away from the door, back at him. "Your trying so hard not to wake him." B chuckled. "So? He needs rest... it's been a long day." I stated. "It's been a long day for everyone. I'm just hoping my AU hasn't eaten everyone yet." B walked to me. Oh no... I thought. My eye's filled with fear and discuss. "What's wrong?" B asked. "Your not... hungry.... are you?" I asked, fear obviously in my voice. "Well... I won't lie." B started. Damb it! I growled at myself. "I am pritty hungry... but it all depends on who you know. Knowing Night... you couldn't sleep." B looked at Night. "Oh god..." I mumbled to myself. "Heh... you seem tense." B stated. "Are you hungry for blood? Or the other thing?" I asked. "Both... why?" B looked at me confused. I looked at him. "Just taking notes." I answered. "Taking notes? What are you a scientist? Oh! Incase I attack you... gotcha." B clicked. I gulped. "You look more scared than anyone I've seen... but yet the bravest?" B asked himself. "Don't question it." I stated. "Will do... so.... what do you know about Night and Horror? Or... who do you know?" B asked, looking at Night, than at me. Just by his question the song Heathens popped in my head. All my friends are Heathens, take it slow..... wait for them to ask you who you know-REALLY!? I sing a song in my head while I'm on the bridge of life or death!? I face palmed. "What?" B asked confused. "N-Nothing! Just got a song in my head." I answered. "Was it something I said?" B asked, furrowing his brows. "Yes... yes it was." I answered, nodding. "What song?" B asked. "Heathens..." I answered. B laughed. "Seriously though." B calmed himself. "I know Lust... and if your part of him oh god help me." I mumbled the last section to myself. "I'll take that as a compliment." B stated, obviously hearing my mumble. "I know Horror, Sans, Ink... now Fell... I obviously know Night... now you...." I trailed off. "Is that everyone?" B asked. "Let me think.... yeah... I believe so." I answered. "Hmm..." B hummed. "Why are you having trouble sleeping?" B asked. I blushed madly... good thing it was dark. "I... I w-wasn't.." I whispered softly. "So you lied to him!?" B growled. "Ugh... h-huh?" Night mumbled. I froze, trying not to make a single sound. "K-Kid? Where did ya go?" Night asked, sitting up. "And you woke him up..." I growled darkly. Calm down! I shouldn't get mad just because he woke him up...... even though he was cute when he was sleeping... I thought to myself. "Kid?" Night rubbed his head. "Yeah Night?" I asked. "Where are you? It's so dark in here!?" Night complained. "Would you rather have me turn the lights on?" I teased. "No! I'm good!" Night answered quickly. "Okay then." I shrugged. I walked over to Night carefully, making sure not to get to close to B. I sat down on the bed, next to Night. Night felt the wight of me from the bed and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into a tight hug. "N-Night!" I complained. "What?" Night asked. My blush grew and grew. "Well... this is new." B announced. Night froze, letting go of me, I sat up. "B? What-...." Night's eye's turned dark. "Kid?" Night asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "Turn the lights on will ya?" Night asked. "You just complained to me about them." I said. "Just do it." Night hung his feet over the bed, standing up as I walked to the switch and flipped it. The light turned on and there stood a skeleton with a red snake, like eye, and a very much like vampire outfit. His fangs popping out as much as they could if you ask me.

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