EchoTale Sans X Neko Frisk - Chapter Nine: Beginnings of a New Relationship

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          "There's not many rooms and so many people," Pap mumbled to himself, which really just seem like a normal volume mumbled voice. Sans sighed as he realized the trama at hand. "Your right." Sans nods. "We will have to sleep in pairs." Night suggested. Sans instantly looked at me and my face flushed, knowing what his thought was. This is going so fast. But it was getting later and later and we are running out of options. "PAIRING UP IT IS!!" Pap smiled. Pap grabbed Night and dragged him to his room. "HAVE FUN LOVEBIRDS! WE ARE OFF TO BED!" Pap declared. Soon enough everyone is paired and I and Sans are left to have the last room. My face becomes bright red as Sans sits on the bed. "Come on... We need to sleep." Sans said as his cheeks go yellow. I nod and slowly sit on the bed next to him. He lays down and pulls the blankets down. I slowly lay down and curl up. Sans wraps an arm around me and pulls me against him. I take a deep breath and turn my body to face him, one of my wings going over him to help keep him warm.

          He smiles and keeps me close. "I uh... Want to take you on a date tomorrow." Sans declares. "I-I'd love to." I smile and he smiles back at me. He closes his eyes and soon falls asleep. I can't really sleep in this way. Not with him so close, so the entire night. It was an irritating night at first. Eventually, I just got bored and started just fiddling with anything my attention went to. Which may or may not have been Sans shirt a few times..... But he didn't wake so there's no need to be too worried about it. It's just so dark and the soft rise and fall of his chest are somehow is even more comforting. It relaxed me more and more as time went on. I slowly drifted into a daydream. You really like him, huh? Chara asked from inside my head. I do... I answer as a blush comes to my cheeks. He's lucky I care about you. Chara stated. I know. You would have killed him if I didn't stop you. I chuckled. Hmph. Chara responded. I laughed at her. Monsters are just so annoying. They think their magic can overpower anyone.

          I and Chara talked for a little bit, and I eventually fell asleep. When I open my eyes, the sun is out and birds are chirping. I look towards the window and see soft snowfall outside. I feel a shift from behind me, making me stiffen. I hear a small tired whine and I'm pulled back into something solid. I try and wiggle away but an arm wraps around my waist from under the blankets. I try and look at the arm to see who it is but then I realize its just Sans. I relax and try and wiggle around so I can face him. He's still, of course, asleep. I smile and I can feel myself getting hungrier. I have tried to stay there so I don't wake him up but my hunger is getting the best of me. I eventually give up and decide to try and leave. As I try and softly get free the arm just pulls me back. "Where do you think you're going?" I hear his voice declare that he is in fact awake. "Have you been awake this whole time?" I asked. "And if I had?" Sans's smile turns into a smirk.

          I sigh and try and get up but he doesn't let me. "Where do you think you're running off to?" Sans repeated his previous question. I sigh and I huff out an answer. "I'm hungry..." Sans smirk just seems to grow. "Hungry, huh? Hungry for what?" Sans winks at me. My face burns as I realize what he's referring to. "Food!! I want food!" I clarify. "What kind of food?" Sans asks as he tries to push me further against him, but there's no room between us anymore. "Actual, edible, non-living food!" I scream. I hear some ruckus outside the door. I hear some voices but can't make them out. Sans groans in annoyance. "It's him..." Sans whines. "Who?" I ask. Just as Sans is about to answer the door slams open, the figure in the doorway stops and stares at us. "OH MY GOD!! Sans, you didn't say you had company!" It's a robot. There are lots of pinks, lots and lots of pink. Sans gives a sheepish smile. "And how did you change so quickly?" The robot asked. Sans freezes and that's when I realize, no one is supposed to know about the AUs. "It's just a little bit of magic." Sans answers. The robot gives a questioning look but nods before turning their attention to me.

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