unanswered questions | kairi

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EVER SINCE KAIRI'S CALL, there was no word from Mattia. Kairi couldn't say that he was surprised, but he had still hoped for something. He reread the texts between them, each time wanting to say something, but he hadn't had the guts to. Kairi even wrote out a long ass text, but decided against sending it because nothing he said ever felt right. He wanted to talk to Mattia in person, but he figured it wouldn't be a great idea, given how their last meet up had gone. The only thing going for him right now was the fact that Mattia didn't seem completely barred off from the world. He was in school more now but didn't hang out with any of the New Jersey boys. Whenever lunch would roll around, Mattia would disappear but come back right before the next period started. If he and Kairi passed each other in the hallway, he would barely acknowledge Kairi's existence. Kairi felt himself shrink into the shadows, laying his head low and trying to be noticed as little as possible.

The hallways of highschool were prone to rumors, everyone dying to know why Mattia had fallen out with his friend group. No one dared confront him though, fearing the social consequences. No one had the power to do that besides the other New Jersey boys.

Mattia's radio silence lasted for weeks, the boys giving up on even trying to reach out to him anymore. It seemed pointless; Mattia wouldn't respond to anyone. Kairi, of course, knew better than that. When he told them about their argument on the soccer field, it had ruffled quite a few feathers. None of them had liked what Kairi said to Mattia, but they all had agreed that if Mattia had just let them help, none of it would've happened. Kairi knew better though. He knew that Mattia had been hurting, he knew why Mattia had disappeared for a while. He knew better than anyone.

But that wasn't to say that it didn't frustrate him. He wished that things hadn't ended the way they had, but he also respected Mattia's decision. Kairi would always stand by him, regardless of whether it hurt himself in the process.

The New Jersey had taken note of Kairi and Mattia's situation, however, seeing how much it had destroyed Kairi. The once energetic and happy boy had turned into someone who barely spoke a word in a matter of months. They knew that something had to be done, but didn't know what, so they turned to each other.

the jersey boys 💯


have yall noticed sumn off recently

alvaro 💂🏻

nothing new


really? mattia n kairi have like fallen off the face of this earth

alvaro 💂🏻

and? ppl fall out


yeah but this time is diff, i can feel it

roshaun 👸

u feel it? bro u really be on sum shit


i'm serious. sumn is up w the two of em

alvaro 💂🏻

his one wish || a mattia x kairi story.Where stories live. Discover now