daddy | kairi

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MATTIA LEANED IN TO JENNY, welcoming her into a tight embrace. There was no sign of hate, no sign of discomfort, but merely pure happiness. Mattia was content, but for once in his life Kairi was not the one bringing that happiness to him. His heart sunk as he watched the two teens talk quietly, a laugh even coming from Mattia's mouth. Kairi caught a glimpse of Jenny's face, an evil smirk on her lips. His gaze hardened, his feet moving him to stand right in front of the two. He balled his fist, swinging it right at –

Kairi was pulled out his slumber, droplets of sweat forming on his forehead. This was the third night in a row he had had the exact same dream, each time ending in him punching someone, but he could never discern who. It was odd, though, because the dream had become so vivid and was very nearly branded into his mind; but who he was punching was never clear. He had assumed it had been Jenny, given how provocative her smirk had been. Kairi had known that Jenny had always been a bitch – once a bitch, always a bitch, but he had never expected her to be in his dreams, the one place he thought he could escape her.

Kairi pushed off his covers, leaning against the headboard. He sighed, taking his phone from his bedside table and unplugging it, looking through his notifications. It was only 2 am on an early Saturday morning, and he really didn't feel like sleeping, nor did he think he would be able to get a wink.

He opened his text conversations, staring blankly at them, as he had done ever since he had removed Mattia from everything. His phone felt empty without his ex-friend in it, and it was all Kairi could do to keep himself from unblocking Mattia.

He decided to text Alejandro, hoping that his friend would be awake.

u up?

Kairi's phone buzzed a moment later.

from alejandro just now

u tryna booty call me?

Kairi smirked, rolling his eyes at his screen.

u wish. u down to come over?

from alejandro just now

so this is a booty call 😉 i knew it

Another message followed seconds later.

jk, unless u want it to be a booty call 😉 i'll be over in 10

Kairi stood from his bed, turning on his light. He was grateful to have such supportive friends, especially those who were literally willing to drive over to his house at 2 am for no reason. Alejandro was a real one, and Kairi owed him a lot.

10 minutes later, Alejandro waltzed into Kairi's room without knocking, jumping onto Kairi's bed.

"So you tryna fuck?" Alejandro asked, laying on his side.

"Maybe," Kairi smirked, looking his friend up and down.

"I knew it," Alejandro laughed, "but for real, what's up? What's so important at 2 am?"

"Well..." Kairi sighed, "Mattia and I had another fight." Alejandro nodded silently, furrowing his eyebrows in worry.

"What happened?" Ale asked quietly.

"I saw him with his ex, Jenny," Kairi began, "and they were hugging and some shit. It wasn't like Mattia at all."

"And what did you do?" Alejandro pressed, adjusting himself so he was sitting properly next to Kairi.

his one wish || a mattia x kairi story.Where stories live. Discover now