a trip down memory lane | mattia

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IT WAS PRETTY SAFE TO SAY that Mattia was no longer friends with the New Jersey boys. The nonstop texts and calls had come to an end, and the only notifications came from his ever loyal fans. He had convinced himself that it was a good thing, that he had cut out all the "toxic people" out of his life. Deep down, though, Mattia knew that that couldn't be further from the truth. But he wasn't ready to face that truth just yet.

Every day, Mattia passed even one of his friends in the hallway. He couldn't bring himself to look at them because he knew that he would crumble if they made eye contact. He could barely hold himself together because he could feel their stares burning into his soul. Even though he had convinced himself that he didn't need them, there was always a feeling of guilt in the pit of his stomach. But whenever that happened, Mattia steeled himself, reminding himself that it was one of his friends who had leaked the video, and none of them were worthy of his forgiveness.

Mattia continued to build walls around himself, refusing to let anyone in. He even stopped posting on TikTok for some time, prompting his fans to become worried about what was happening behind the screen. They spammed him with never ending messages asking where he was, but Mattia was too tired to care at that point. It wasn't like it was any different from when the video had first been leaked, anyway.

One night, while Mattia was getting high in his room, he received a text from someone he expected to hear from the least.

from jennyjust now

i saw the vid. u ok?

Mattia knew that responding was not a good idea. He knew that he should just leave the message on seen because texting his ex back was never a smart thing to do. Mattia stared at the message, contemplating what the hell he should do. After a few moments, he made his decision.

could be better. whats up w u?

A few minutes passed until Mattia's phone buzzed with a new notification.

from jennyjust now

same here. i'm sorry abt everything that's happening. anything I can do to help?

Mattia couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Now the bitch was offering to help? Not when the video had been first leaked?

nah probs not.

from jennyjust now

you sure?

Mattia was growing impatient with Jenny's texts. What the hell did she really want?

why do u even care

from jennyjust now

bc believe it or not i care abt u asshole

Mattia couldn't believe anything that she was saying. If she really cared, she would leave him the fuck alone.

oh really? since when

The string of texts went quiet, and Mattia believed that he had finally shut her up. But when his phone buzzed yet again, he rolled his eyes.

from jennyjust now

since forever.

What the hell? What did Jenny expect him to say to that? Did she want him to admit lost feelings, did she expect that he was going to get back with her or something? The mere idea made Mattia laugh when another text followed up.

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