the final curtain | author's note

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Hi guys!
I hope you all have been enjoying the holiday season/break so far - it's been very relaxing for me so I do hope that it is the same for you. I have a few huge announcements about my books/profile for the coming new year, so please do take a few minutes to read!


FIRST: The username change! I know this isn't a huge change itself, but it ties into the next thing that I want to say.

SECOND: After much consideration, I have decided that I am no longer going to continue writing fanfiction [both for the NJ boys and as a whole]. Wattpad, like I've cheesily said multiple times before, has become an amazing creative outlet for me and has opened so many doors for opportunities that I never knew could ever exist. And I know I don't have much of a following at all, but honestly I have to thank all my readers/followers/etc for getting me to where I am? Like, I achieved nearly 50K reads on a single book in what, a little over a month? It's INSANE and I cannot even begin to fathom it. 'his one wish' - even though it was a fAnFicTiOn, still gave me a small audience that I can't even begin to show my love for. Writing these fanfics really ignited my love for writing and I want to be able to continue that beyond the world of fanfiction.

And of course, it would be remiss of me to not shout out my very lovely author squad, y'all know who you are. Thank you for supporting me every step of the way and always hyping me up - I have so much love for you guys, y'all don't even know :')

So - what are the futures for my current/in progress fanfics? Why do this now? Both are good questions! 'his one wish' will always have a place in my heart and on my profile, so that one will never get deleted, I promise :) But I am planning on discontinuing and removing CYBERSPACE and FIFTEEN. Don't get me wrong, I love those books with all my heart but I want to create space for new projects for the future. I'm still unsure of what to do with my unreleased one-shot book; I will keep y'all updated on what I decide but for now, I'm planning on just releasing a few of the most popular/requested one-shots in 'his one wish' so I at least have a place for them. I promised you guys one-shots and it would be wrong of me to go back on that.

**FIFTEEN and CYBERSPACE will be deleted on January 1st, 2020.**

Second question: why do this? Well, as much as I loved writing fanfictions (and still do!) I discovered how much I really love to write because of them, if that makes sense? I want to be able to separate myself from that and get started writing "real" books, or at least short stories. Like I said before, I understand I may lose some of my following because of this, and I respect that! But this is what's going to me most happy :) My new username is a reflection of the start of this process hehe.I know that this is gonna be a big change and will take time, but I really think it's the right choice. I hope that y'all will accompany me on this journey, but if you don't want to, I respect that! Thank you for the support you gave me, every little bit counts <3 

That's all, for now, guys, I love each and every one of you so much. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments!

See you guys next year and as always...

until next time,

mj <3

his one wish || a mattia x kairi story.Where stories live. Discover now