happily ever after | kairi

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EVERYTHING WAS GOING TO BE OKAY, Kairi knew that much. Ever since the day he and Mattia made up for real, he knew that in his heart. But he also knew that healing took time. It took as much time as his heart decided he needed, but with Mattia by his side, Kairi had a newfound lightness in his step and hope in his heart.

While Kairi may have made up with Mattia, he wasn't so sure about the rest of the New Jersey boys. Out of the group, Alejandro was the only one he had come to truly trust. Roshaun and Alvaro had made no moves to even try to help, and he wasn't going to forget the fact that Alvaro had lit the fuse that had caused everything to happen. But Kairi knew that there had been other factors besides the video at work in this whole mess. He wasn't the type to hold a grudge forever, so he knew that in time all would be forgiven.

As for him and Mattia, things were far from perfect. Kairi was still working to undo the damage had that Mattia had done. Not being able to leave his own house because of fear changed a person; he had only been able to leave whenever Alejandro was with him. It took months for Kairi to leave the house alone, but the day he did, Mattia was right there with him to celebrate. 

It was a beautiful Spring day, their junior year coming to a quick close. Mattia had invited Kairi over to his house. Kairi had insisted that he would be okay, so Mattia conceded, with the condition that he wait outside for him. Kairi had agreed, knowing that that would be the only way to get Mattia off his back. 

When Mattia saw Kairi walking down the road, he started cheering, hyping up his man. Kairi's eyes widened with embarrassment, looking around the neighborhood to see if anyone was around. He sped up into a jog, wanting to get to Mattia quicker to shut him up.

"Shut the hell up, holy fuck," Kairi said, quickly putting a hand over Mattia's mouth to silence him.

"Hey, I had to hype my man up," Mattia smirked, removing Kairi's hand. Color appeared on Kairi's cheeks, rolling his eyes.

"Fuck you," Kairi retorted, once again spewing insults to mask his true reaction.

"If I didn't know better," Mattia's eyes lit up with amusement, "I'd say you liked that."

"If I didn't know any better," Kairi mocked, imitating Mattia, "I'd say that you should shut the fuck up." Mattia laughed, ruffling Kairi's hair and causing the smaller boy to move away.

"Whatever you say, baby," Mattia leaned down and put his mouth close to Kairi's ear, a flirtatious move he had pulled many times before. It always got a rise out of Kairi, which entertained Mattia quite a bit. Kairi's eyes widened and he coughed, trying to fight the unholy urges that began making themselves known.

"I'm going inside," Kairi ducked his head and brushed past Mattia, letting himself into his house. Mattia shook his head, a smile on his lips and followed the smaller boy inside. Kairi had already made himself comfortable in Mattia's room, lounging on top of his bed.

"Took you long enough," Kairi scoffed when Mattia arrived. Mattia eyed the smaller boy, his own dark eyes hungry. When Kairi made eye contact with Mattia, he raised an eyebrow. "The fuck you lookin' at?"

"I can't admire my man?" Mattia laid down next to Kairi, making sure to face him, a devilish smirk on his face. Kairi rolled his eyes, the far too familiar blush appearing on his face.

"Shut up," Kairi mumbled, burying his face into Mattia's neck.

"Make me," Mattia challenged. Kairi pulled away from Mattia, his lips in a straight line.

"You really think I'm gonna fall for that?" Kairi asked, "Seriously?"

"Oh c'mon, what does a guy gotta do for a kiss around here, huh?" Mattia huffed, feigning a pout. A small smile appeared on Kairi's face as he rolled his eyes.

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