my final mairi oneshot.

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A/N: HEY GUYS! Happy 2020, I hope life is going well. I am NOT going to be writing Mairi, but this was a oneshot that was highly requested and I wanted to get it posted because I've actually had it written for some time. This will be the last of my Mairi content, as I will be posting a brand new story (NOT Mairi, but I promise it'll still be awesome, don't worry! Check out my spam book for some exclusive content ykw I'm saying 👀).
(Image is not related to the story, I just liked it hehe).

Thank you guys again for the unending support you all have given me. I would not be here without y'all - if I could give each of you a hug I would <3 Now without further ado, here's my most requested one-shot!



Ship: Mattia x Kairi

Slang used:

Shiner - black eye

Dreamboat - synonym for baby, beautiful

Rattle your cage - get upset

A candy ass - wimp, easily scared

You've heard the story countless times before - the Greaser falls for the Soc; star-crossed lovers. But their story isn't tragic; in fact, they're pretty happy.

Mattia and Kairi have been together for 6 months.  Mattia was a Greaser born and raised, his fiery spirit and uncontrollable temper often getting the best of him. He was the Greaser's leader, his fighting ability and powerful nature allowing him to take control. It must be noted, however, that Mattia did not look like a traditional Greaser. His face was clean-shaven and he always cared about how he looked, something that was not a common characteristic found on someone who was supposedly a kid who lived on the street. But the mischievous glint in Mattia's eyes was what convinced everyone that he was a true Greaser; a rebel in the eyes of the law, but a fighter in the eyes of his peers.

He had an odd way of showing he cared about people, often thinking that literally fighting for someone was the right way to show loyalty. Mattia often found himself in situations that could've been easily avoided had he just kept his mouth shut, but where was the fun in that? Besides, no one insulted his friends and no one could take him down. He wasn't the biggest guy, but he had muscle that never went wasted.

Kairi was a Soc, son of the town's mayor and goody-two-shoes supreme. He was more soft-spoken than the other Socs and certainly was less arrogant than them. In fact, Kairi hated the majority of the Socs in town, finding them narcissistic and shallow. They beefed with Greasers for no reason other than to be mean and quite frankly, Kairi was not about that. However, Kairi also knew that once a Soc, always a Soc, and Socs weren't friends with the Greasers. Deep down, though, Kairi had always wanted to befriend them, thinking they would've been better friends to him than the Socs ever were. 

He was of mixed descent being Japanese-American, but it rarely got brought up due to the mass amounts of microaggressions and overall racist comments that his friends would make. It poked at Kairi's insecurities and his own internalized racism, making him believe that he was ugly because he wasn't pure white. 

But that simply wasn't true. Kairi had a soft face, his smile often showing off his pearly white teeth. It was one of those grins that you couldn't help but love, having the ability to light up a room in mere seconrs. His brown hair was soft and floppy, often bouncing all over the place when he moved. 

his one wish || a mattia x kairi story.Where stories live. Discover now